♤-Chapter: 7-♤

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"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." - Chris Grosser

Chapter 7: PDA

Clear View University

Nikolai walked out of the Janitors closet, just like every other morning. This was his normal routine. Get to school, smirk at a girl, tell her to meet him in the Janitors Closet and then have his morning quickie.

Sometimes it got boring but then there be a girl that literally rocks his world and he'd be all good about it again.

On his walk to the homeroom class, Nikolai catches up with Gabe, one of his friends from first grade. They've known each other since back in the day when they were both still crawling in diapers and drooling everywhere but they only became friends in that year.

Their parents were close but their fathers were the main reason that Nikolai and Gabe became friends. The boys had a lot in common.

Gabe and Nikolai were both the firstborn sons, one day to take over the family businesses. They liked being players, not believing in love, they played football together and partied better together.

All these things were the main reason their parents pushed them to become friends. They made a great pair of friends.

Nikolai's group of friend's existed out of 10 guys including him. Gabe is the only one that has been with Nikolai since the beginning, and the rest of the guys came along to the senior year in High School.

Eadric and Fabio are the group twins they became a part of the group in 4th grade. Hade transferred from Pennsylvania in 5th grade and they adopted him into their group as soon as he knocks out a kid for teasing a girl.

Jack came along in 6th grade and soon his cousin, Ian followed in 8th grade, they are the jokers, always playing out pranks on everybody. In their sophomore year, Kade came along after his father and Nikolai's father became business partners.

Nikolai and Kade didn't really like each other but soon they found out they had more in common than they both thought.

It was at one of Kade's parties that the group met Lance, Kade's neighbor. He was cool and just had a calm vibe around him and soon he became one of them in junior year.

Last but not least Malik entered. He was the principal's son of St Michael's High in George who decided to come and live with his mother. He was the last addition to the group and joined in the senior year.

Since then they all had been friends and other then Fabio they all went to the same University after High School and it's been 3 years since then. They are all now in their final year of University.

Gabe and Nikolai walked down the hall to their separate homerooms that were right next to each other when Gabe commented, "Hey man, I heard there is a new chic in our school and she is in your homeroom." A new girl Nikolai thought to himself.

Clear View University hardly got new pupils this time around the year. But this girl was the 3rd person to transfer to the school in the last 2 months.

Although Nikolai wasn't complaining; this would give him a new challenge. Not that it would be a hard one. Nikolai thought to himself about how no girl could resist him.

"Really?" Nikolai asked and Gabe smirked while nodded "Yes heard she is badass and super rich. She wears just black but as in Bad Girl black and drove in with a black Hurácan Spyder Lamborghini."

That car is expensive; even though Nikolai's family is REALLY rich, like rolling in money rich, his parents would never buy him a car like that.

Nikolai's parents are humble people; all about giving away more to the less fortunate. They also taught him that he would have to work for something he wanted. They won't just give him what his heart desires most.

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