♤-Chapter 31-♤

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"People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy." --Tony Robbins

Chapter 31: Bullet Holes

Italy, Rome

Slowly I stood up and made quick work of my strength by pulling Riley to the chair and tying him up. The other man was dead but I knew Riley would wake up soon and I wouldn't know if we could get out before that.

Limping and rubbing my jaw I walked over to the dead man and took a hold of his gun. I'll need it sooner than later. Luckily, I've been here on business before so I knew how to find my way around this place.

In the hall, where I was standing, two men were guarding a door. I looked down at the gun and saw that it didn't have a silencer on. Oh well, I aimed and shot one than before there was a reaction from the man next to him I shot him as well.

This got the reaction I wanted. Three men came out of the study aiming guns down the hall. They couldn't see me but I did see them.

Counting to three I looked at the wall on the other side of the hallways. This was my chance. I moved to that side and fired 4 shots down the hall.

Sadly I only heard 2 bodies fall and had a now fresh gunshot wound on my shoulder. Groaning in pain I glared at the beginning of the hall. Counting to three I walked to the middle and shot the only guy left in the hall.

Now I had a limp, hurting jaw and a bitch wound in my shoulder. This has to end right now! With almost non-excited speed I walked down the hall to the door. I knew the person behind it was now alone. Pushing the door open I stared at the person behind the desk.

"So expected, you never did like to have more than three guards in the room with you." The person said nothing and I grinned. "Beth, it's so unlike you to let men do your bidding?"

The woman behind the desk was an old friend of Silva. She was always the independent one, but it seems that has changed.

Beth was Mr. Adalberto's daughter, although she did everything he was the face of the mob. We mostly worked with him but it seems like his daughter had fully taken over.

She was supposed to marry Silva's older brother and she would have if not for the fact that was murdered. Silva's father then said that they Silva and Beth would get married. Luckily for everybody, his father left town before that could happen.

She was not happy when Silva chose to married Grace rather than follow his father's wishes.

"Non ho traccia di cosa stai parlando di Tatiana." I sighed and sat in the chair. "Where is Silva's money, you know we don't have to do this the hard way."(I have no clue what you are talking about Tatiana.)

I still needed to get the money, Ace, and Dimitri before we could get out of here. Beth glared at me and said, "Io non ce l'ho." Before she could move to alert more guard I had a gun pointing at her head. (I do not have it.)

"Beth, don't be stupid. Call your men and tell them to bring me, my men. Or I'll shoot you, take the money from you safe and kill all you men in the search for mine." She swallowed and flip open her phone.

"Portare loro al mio ufficio." I smiled and said; "I always knew you were a smart woman." We didn't wait long before 5 guards spilled into the room with Ace and Dimitri. (Bring them to my office.)

Ace was pretty badly beaten up and Dimitri's shirt was ripped and instead of the white color, it was now a brownish red. Before the guard could do anything I was behind Beth with my gun to her head. "Ora signori. Non fare qualcosa di stupido," (Now gentlemen. Do not do something stupid.)

I softly whispered into Beth's ear telling her to ask one of her men to get me the money and to let the guys go. She followed my instructions and so did her men.

A silver suitcase was placed on the table and Dimitri limped to the table to count the money. He nodded when he counted that everything was there. I stood up to bring Beth with me. "Tell your men to back down. We are going to take you with us."

Beth told her men to back down and I pulled her with me, still with my gun against her head. In front of the house, the car that picked us up at the airport was waiting for us. Ace and Dimitri climbed into the front and I pulled Beth with me into the back.

"Gentlemen, we will be dropping her off at the airport, if I see anyone following us, I will shoot her." The men stood back and we drove away from the house. Halfway to the airport, Dimitri pulled over and I pushed Beth out of the car.

"Your men will find you soon enough, don't be stupid and let your money problems to Silva get out of hand again."

Without waiting another second Dimitri pulled away from the side of the road and we raced to the airport. Ace had our pilots on the phone telling them to start the jet, when we get there we need life off.

As we drew closer to the strip I saw a black car speed up to us. Shaking my head I rolled down the window and shot their tire. The car flipped to a stop.

Within minutes after that, we reached the airport and got back on the jet. The sun was setting and as soon as our stuff was loaded the jet was taking off into the sun.

I looked at the boys and said, "Well that was quite the welcome to Rome." They chuckled and nodded. A flight attendant brought me 3 glasses with a bottle of whiskey.
I nodded and poured for the three of us. This was quite the trip to Italy and to be honest I really wasn't looking forward to returning anytime soon.

Four glasses each later we stood up together and walked to the room in the back. I fixed Ace up as Dimitri tended to my leg and shoulder.

The pain wasn't that bad right now, but I knew it was going to be a bitch in the morning. After Dimitri was done cleaning my wounds I helped him up onto the bed before cleaning and stitching up his stomach. 

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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