Chapter 52: Being A Hassan

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"Pass the Tsamiya please."

Adeel passed the powder in a container to Maama who in turn poured it over her pap. The mixed it together, scooped a spoonful and blew on it to cool it.

I took a bite of my kosai and a scoop of my pap, swallowing it carefully. My period had started earlier this morning and although I'd have like to skip breakfast, I just couldn't. It would be rude to Maama's sister and Maama.

The pain stops me from taking another scoop of my pap. It just holds me captive and I can't help but nearly drop my head into my pap bowl.

"Nabeela, what is wrong?"

Maama's concerned voice makes me raise my head. She gasps once she sees my face. I put my hand on my belly, feeling the hot water bottles there.

"Innalilahi. See how pale you are, and your eyes are even red. What happened?" I shake my head and tears fall from my lids.

"Ya Allah." Maama's sister Aunty Rukayya, scrapes her chair back immediately, getting up and coming to my side. She puts her hand under my hijab and touches my neck.

"Menstrual cramps?" I nod weakly. She pulls me to get up and I feel another hand holding my side.

Once I get up, I feel light-headed, woozy and everything goes black.


"She's awake Maama."

My eyes slowly open and I shut them back almost immediately. The lights from overhead was too bright. I feel Adeel leave my side and another hand grips mine. The lights get turned off and I wait a moment to open my eyes.

"Nabeela. When next you are in pain, any pain at all. Please tell someone so you can be monitored. My poor heart can't take a lot of pain." I nod slowly and Adeel hovers over me and puts his hand on my face, pulling down my lip and my eyelid.

"You look so pale. You lost a lot of blood." He pats my head. I feel a cap I wore under my hijab. He's frowning at me, peeking at me from his lashes.

"Lemme leave so I can prepare something for you to eat." Adeel nods and walks Maama to the door, whispering quietly.

When he comes back to my side, he crosses his arms around his chest and taps his feet.

"Why didn't you say you were in pain when I was leaving the house this morning? Why do you behave like I don't want you? Like I don't want to see you?" I look him over and see the blue starched shirt he wore to work earlier.

"I'm sorry." I croak out.

"This isn't about you being sorry Nabeela Hassan. It's about you understanding that, we are a family. A husband and wife, if we can't be there for one another, then what are we in this partnership for? What is this between us." He flings his hand between us and his watch catches the sunlight sending sparks  "If you can't tell me when things go wrong, why are we here?"

I sigh, Adeel Baba Hassan is mad at me. I apologise again and he looks even angrier.

"Do you even want us to move ahead in this relationship? Or are we doomed to fail because you can't trust yourself or me?" I shake my head.

"I can't hear you Mrs Hassan." I think of my miscarriage and immediately tears come to my eyes. Sorry Baby, that I have to use your memory for such a frivolous reason.

"It's take me long yes, but I trust you more than I trust my father's actions." He sighs and seats on a side of the bed.

"I'm sorry I shouted." His back is slouched now. All the anger gone out of him, but his words stick with me.

"How do you feel?" I nod and he smiles. I smile wanly and look around the room.

"This is the second time in less than one year you're in the hospital. So much for making sure you'd be fine, you've gotten kidnapped on my watch, now you faint from severe cramps. So much for being a caring husband." I hold his hand and bring his attention to me.

"You are amazing husband. No need to worry, these twice I've been on the hospital, none of it is your fault. Okay?" He nods and raised his hand, bringing it close to my face, then he drops it on hesitation.  I know because I was watching him closely.

I bring out my hand from under the white hospital duvet and pull his hand to my face.

He jerks his hand in surprise, but touches my face carefully. He leans down and carefully captures my lips with his. We move our lips for a few seconds and I open my mouth to let his tongue in, our tongues fight for dominance for a few more seconds.

We come up for air and I giggle shyly like a school girl when his eyes meet mine.

"That was one hell of a first kiss." He smiles widely at my words. His eyes crinkle at the edges.

"Shall we try again?" He asks cheekily and I shake my head.

"Let's do this one step at a time." He nods, slouching again. I smile, brightly so.


"Welcome back Ma'am." I nod at Rahma and walk into my already opened office, I set my bag on my table and walk to the window to watch Adeel drive away from the plaza.

"Ma'am?" I jerk back and look at Rahma.

"You have three consultations, two make up meetings later this week." I nod and walk to my table.

"Any messages?" She hesitates before replying.

"One Mr Nadir Hunkur came to see you. He met your absence." I nod and smile. Not even Nadir's visit can kill my smile.

"Anyone else?" She shakes her head and I wave her away.

I begin to look at orders they made while I was away for the week. Making sure they tally with the delivery they received.

My phone rings with a message and I pick it out from my bag.

It's a message from my mother.

When are you coming to see me?I've forgiven you.

I sigh and shake my head. Who should be forgiving who?


Hello people,

It's a double update thingy. I'm hoping and praying that this can send and all of you can see it.

Please leave a comment, another chapter is on the way.



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