Chapter 34: Cherry Yogurt

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"Mother why?" I ask her in passionate anger.

She takes a sip of her juice and gurgles it before swallowing with mock relish. 

"This passion fruit juice is amazing.  Want to try some? " Anger wells up in me and bubbles out. 

"Mother!  Why on earth would you try to kill Safiyya's mother?" I shout and she eyes me, showing emotion for the first time since I came thirty minutes ago. 

"I did it for your own sake. I did it to secure yours and my place." She turns on her phone and begins to flick through it.

"My sake?" I ask incredulously.  What place? What does she mean?

"Yes.  Your sake. You are my only child and I will not let you throw half of your inheritance away because you want to be a good Samaritan." I stare at her in shock. 

"Besides, I didn't even touch your so-called sister,  I only stopped that shameless Niqab wearing gold digger." She finishes with a sneer on her face.  Ya Allah.  Is this the woman I've known all my life?

Tears sting my eyes and I shut my eyes tightly to hold them in. I try to open my eyes.  Safiyya's mother was almost killed by her and her excuse is my place? When have I ever shown interest in inheritance? When?

"Mother?" I call unbelieving

"Daughter." She replies with a smirk

My heart shatters, no one is to be trusted anymore. No one except your Lord.

"I'll tell you now. I'm disappointed in you. I'm sorry you are my mother. I expected better from you. You stooped so low as to trying to take the lives of two humans. Two humans that Allah cr-" A slap stops me from finishing my statement.  My right hand goes to my cheek in shock.  She's so unrepentant.

"I did at all for you.  And By Allah I would do it over and over again. I cannot let you suffer, not after how much I've suffered." She's heaving after shouting and I think of what she said. 

"Mother." I begin softly.  "Why do you keep saying me.  Why do reaffirm you did it all for me? Why? When did I ever ask you to kill a human for me. When mother? When?" I shout and she slaps me, this time on my left cheek, it is stinging even worse than the last slap.

"Aren't you married now? You will soon see what I mean. Isn't he a man? You think he's pure at heart? That's how one woman from somewhere will steal him right under your nose." I hold my left cheek in silent thought. It's all so complicated.  Wallah. 

I pack up my purse and walk out of her presence with her calling out for me. The secret heavy on my tongue and mind.

How long can I hold it in?


"Nabeela, it's a huge secret but it is up to Safiyya's mother to decide whether or not she wants to press charges. You have to tell her soon so she knows." I nod absentmindedly. I'm seating in Maama's work area three days later.

I twist the ring on my left finger over and over in thought. How will Safiyya's mother react that my own mother tried to kill her and her youngest daughter. It's so heavy a confession.

"But Maama." I begin slowly, tears clogging my throat.

"How can I tell her. And I don't think I'll sleep at night if I don't tell her.  I'm loosing sleep as it is already." She nods and pats my hand. She's sitting with me on teal sofa in her work space.
Her eyes hold mine in sympathy.

"Pray. Pray hard. Allah might soften her heart. Because wallah I have no idea what could have pushed your mother to do this." She shakes her head and stares at the muted television on the wall.

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