Our Adeelu

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"Pass me that ball Moh, don't be stupid don't let that mumu Muad'h take it from you."   Mohammed is stupid boy. Muad'h takes the ball from him and makes a three pointer and we are behind by three points again.

"Mohammed Baba Hassan, have you lost your mind, I won't give Muad'h my limited edition Air Max, you'll buy it for him with your money if we loose this match." He picks up pace and I block Muad'h's wanna be smooth move and pass to Moh, he dunks and we are even.


The stopwatch goes off and I pump my fist in the air, we didn't loose to Muad'h and I'm not giving out my Nike sneakers. Alhamdulilahi.

"Man, you didn't have to whine like a squeak, all because of cheap Nike sneakers." We all laugh and walk to the stands. I pass around bottles of lucozade drink. Those sneakers are damned expensive. No looses.

"How far guy, your wife tell if she has any photos of my fiance?." Muad'h's wife Ajìkè owes me a picture of my wife to be, I've called and texted and she has refused to reply, I feel like I'm the only one going into this marriage, for Allah's sake, we were put together by our parents. Although under the most unlikely of circumstances but she needs to meet me halfway to make this work, we are two grown people that need to behave like Adults.

"She say she don send am to you. Make you check." The air-conditioning makes the hair on my nape stand on end, I unlock my phone and open my messenger. Truthfully, there's a picture of Nabeela waiting for me. Ma Sha Allah.

"What's up with Ya Nabs." Mohammed and the rest of my siblings love Nabeela like their own even though only Zarah and I have met her personally. The rest have only seen pictures and videos. Zeenah especially.

"She's refused to pick my calls or reply texts. So I'm just hoping that she's as nice as Ajìkè says she is. Ajìkè is the best judge of character asides my mother." Ajìkè confided in me that I have a lot of work to do with her, she's broken by the nasty idiot she was married to. All we don't know is how broken.

" Take it easy on her, she's probably struggling with the fact that she's marrying a man she doesn't know. Not everyone is going to be as cool as you are when they hear they are marrying a man they've never met before." I tuck my tongue in my cheek and think about Muad'h's words.

" By the way, Today is her bridal shower. Ajìkè says she's making a surprise party for her. The poor girl has no friends, she says she has no idea how Nabeela had coped prior to now. I don't know what I'd do without the both of you." They scrunch their faces up and we all laugh at the absurdity of never being friends. It's completely impossible. We both have Allah to thank.

"Let's get going,  I need to take a bath before Zuhr." They clamber the steps and we walked out of the indoor sports hall, the heat of the sun outside immediately burning my skin after all that time inside. We walk off to our respective cars and I open the boot of my Bentley to drop my bag into it.

My mind goes back to when Ajìkè told me she was going to do a surprise shower for her, said she was going to incorporate her into the Hassan Family all by herself. I hope Nabeela knows that I'll always be on her side.

As soon as I drive out of the complex, I see a red Range Rover follow me carefully. I cut into the next street and I meet Moh whom I honk at. I'll finish this by myself, I have a wild guess who this is.

He follows me into the next street and when I drive faster, he increases speed slightly too. I tap my steering thrice and my chief security comes online.

"Sir?" His voice is alert and careful.

" A wine red Range Rover is tailing me." I check the plate number, and begin to recite it out to him. He makes a sound and tells me who it is. Nasty idiot.

I park my car, recite Ayyatul kursiyyu. Get out of the car and walk to where he is parked two blocks away.

" Open up." I tap on his glass harshly. Stupid idiot, thinks he can make me jitter.

"Why were you following me?" He opens and words don't come out of it. Coward.

"Nabs is mine, Mine." He says loudly,  I dodge as spit flies in my direction. Dirty pig.

"Was. She was yours. In_" I look at my watch. " Two days and fourteen hours and twenty minutes, she'll be my wife." His eyes bulge in anger. I decide to fan the already hot coals.

" She's my wife, almost already. When she becomes mine. If is ever see you in a three hundred meter radius of her, I'll have you beaten till you can't say your name. Am I understood?" He nods stiffly and I walk away. As I stomp away, a thought occurs to me and I return to his side.

"Consider that contract you got with Muad'h Dikko's company terminated and be ready to refund the money you received. I'll make it my job to sink you if you ever follow me again." I kick a large stone on my way back to my Bentley. Cheap car, cheap coward, stewpid idiot.

Once I'm settled, I tap my steering again and tell my chief security that the danger has been averted. Alhamdulilahi 

The Adhaan for Zuhr begins to play on the radio and I drive faster to my street, so I can offer congregational prayers. I need all the prayers I can for my impending marriage.


Good morning people,

Here is your chapter.

No too much talk, I need to go back to sleep.

Zeeemibs our Moh is finally here. 😊😅

See y'all soon. Love y'all

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