Chapter Eleven: Meeting Husband Number One

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Half an hour later, I picked up my order at Yoguberry and walked to my car. A body blocks my way to the driver's seat and when I see who it is, I nearly roll my eyes. I just remember at the last minute that he could beat me for rolling my eyes.

" Good evening." He greets with a nod if his head. Good evening? What's good about this evening? You've shown your awful face here.

I wave my hand rudely for him to stop blocking my car, open my car door and place the yoghurt in the cup holder. It was beginning to drip due to the pressure I used to hold it.

"Why are you making such a futile attempt to be another man's wife. You made me divorce you. I loved you, wallah I still love you. Now, I think you should be done playing, I want my wife back."
My heart stops for a millisecond and starts again, I take slow calming breaths while holding on to the door of my car, the security system starts to blare so I turn around to switch on the engine.

"In a few weeks, I'll be someone else's wife, you can't keep switching up on me like this. It is haram. Very haram and I don't want the wrath of Allah on my head. Go and meet your wife." I swipe my veil back in place atop my head.

What I didn't notice while I talked was that he'd stepped closer. He suddenly held left my wrist in his right hand and squeezed hard. I yelped loudly and dropped my phone.

One thing came to my head: fight back. And I did.
I slapped him hard with my free right hand and in a flash, picked up my phone and jumped into my car and shut the door. I turned on the air conditioning to block out all noise. Including his angry face, if I were his wife, I know I'd receive the beating of my life tonight.

Praises be to Allah that I'm not his wife.

I drove home in a daze and as I got down from my car, I saw Hajiya Mama watch me from the small living room upstairs and I forcefully exhaled an air of frustration. It's so hard to be Nabeela this days, everyone is watching your every move. Violent ex husband, irate grandmother, annoying parents.
Frustrations everywhere.

I removed the now cool yogurt from the cup holder and walked into the house, the living room was empty and then I slowly walked to the kitchen, empty too. I placed my yogurt into a small part of the freezer and walked upstairs into my room.

I sat on my bed and began unbuckling my sandals. One thing is clear though, I'll not have all of this freedom once I'm married. Every time I pray this days, I pray that Allah makes sure Adeel has another wife he can pay attention to. That he just doesn't talk to me or deal with me. I'm very fine with it.

I took a bath and performed ablution to part all of my missed prayers. I missed three already today. Not good enough.

As I finished my final prayer. The intercom in my room rings and I groan. One of these amazing people are calling me, I'm sure to pass a message. They potray perfect lives, as though they are perfect parents to the outside world. I let it ring at first and pick when it rings the second time.

"Asalamu alaykum" I greet,  the breathing suggests it's Baba.

"Nabeela, get to my room right now." Baba gets what he wants when he wants it. Forget his cool demeanour, Baba is a different story altogether. A story for another day.

I fold my praying mat and keep it in its place, in a free space underneath my desk and walk to the other part of the house where Baba's room is.

The door is opened even before I knock and Mother beckons me in, I walk in and pull of my slippers at the door of Baba's room.

"Baba, I'm here."

"Walk like human being with legs. And walk faster." I comply quickly and squat when I get close to him.

"Adeel's Father called me earlier and we have agreed to set the wedding Fathia to Friday the thirty first  of May this year. I discussed with your mother and she says that is enough time to get you ready." I nod.

"Speak up like a human." He growls and coughs lightly. I shout my answer. Then he points out his left index finger at me.

"I let you play around with your marriage to that boy. I allowed you to disgrace me and my family name by leaving it. This time around, the only thing they should bring back is your dead body.

I have done for you what a father does for his child once, I'll be doing the second time. Warn yourself and don't be a disobedient wife."  I answer and wish them goodnight.

When I step out of Baba's area and mother locks the door behind me, I collapse on the floor in complete tears. All of my hopes of them refusing because I didn't want any events just went up in thin air. Ya Allah, are you mad at me, are you angry with me. I hope you forgive me soon. All of this pain and tears is just too much.

I walk to my room and get out of my hijab. Then I wore it back and performed ablution again. There's no one to tell all of my troubles and my fears to except my lord. There's no better listening ear, there's no better nonjudgmental ear than my Lord.


Hi everyone,

How are you all. This is chapter eleven. I'm excited, I've never written a story this long. We are also very close to one thousand reads. 💃💃💃💃💃

Secondly, those of you waiting for husband number one, have you butchered him now? Please give him his due. 😇😇😅

I love all of you. God bless all of you beyond measure. 😘😘😇😋



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