Chapter 31: Memes's Ending

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Hi guys,

Welcome back from that very short break, I needed it but I missed you all more.

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"Ajike is awake. Alhamdulilahi."

Three days later, we are all outside Ajike's room waiting on Mu'adh to come out. Her new born was named Fatima Zarah for Ajike's mother. Still having respiratory problems and has to be in Intensive care unit till she gets better.

The  Dikkos and Hassans may never forgive what happened on Eid morning.

"She woke up about twenty minutes ago. Her mom is bringing Khayrat and Fawad." Nusaiba's red face smiles at whoever she's talking to. She left everything in Kano to be here. All of those who went to katsina have returned to Abuja. Ameerah and Afrah will be released on bail tomorrow Friday, all through the past few days, husband number one hasn't visited or called Katsina. Adeel says he gave strict instructions to be told if he did. Man is still so mad.

Mu'adh walks out smiling later  and hugs Fawad to himself. In the past four days, he hasn't gone home. Adeel had to bring him clothes to wear and force him to shower.

Nusaiba holds out her hand to me. "Let's go see her. I still have to go back home. Zarah isn't feeling alright. My Zarah I mean." I nod and walk into the plush hospital room with her. Ajike is hooked onto many machines and her dark skin looked tired.

"Babes, how far. I tell you say I want make you die yet? Wey you con dey coma for long like that. Dey scare person mama." Ajike smiles and holds out her  hands, I held onto one and hugged her to myself. After I left her, Nusaiba began crying into Ajike's bosom.

"I missed you so much blackie. I prayed and prayed and when  nothing happened, I felt as though Allah had taken my blackie away from me. Welcome back."

Ajike sniffles and pats Nusaiba's back in comfort. I stand there watching them feeling like an outsider. They've been friends for like forever.

"Sorry whiteie, I didn't mean to stay that long. My body was probably so tired. Coupled with the fact that the baby had stayed so long in me." Nusaiba stands up and wipes her eyes with the end of her green lace veil. Ajike turns her tired eyes on me.

"How are you Affy?" I nod and tell her I'm fine.

"I heard you were sedated for nearly a day?" She asks with an eyebrow raised. I smile and sit at her side.

"Who told you?" She smiles again and I guessed her husband did. She just woke up, how did they talk so much in so little time.

"I'm happy you are back. I don't know how I felt when I got that call from Maryam. I ran to the toilet to empty my bowels. I was so restless, hubby had to book me a flight to Abuja." Ajike smiles drowsily at Nusaibah's words and pats her hand again.


"Stop those fake tears Ameerah. Just stop those fake tears. You weren't crying like this when you took my wife and swore to let those thugs of yours rape her,  were you?" Ameerah wails louder and takes sharp breaths, she's sitting on the floor in front of her parents. Mu'adh Dikko has been roaring fire all afternoon. Detectives assigned to the case found a voice note that Ameerah sent to her goons, that they'd have their turn with Ajike as punishment for stealing her Mu'adh. Rotten human.

Her mother has tears in her eyes too. I don't know how she's feeling. Her husband clears his throat and starts speaking.

"Mu'adh, all I have to say to you is just a few words. After that, my lawyers can take care of the rest. Our Prophet(PBUH) said that it is good to look out for family. We could have settled this issue as a family. Instead you had to keep my daughter in custody and make them arraign her. You could have taken your security people there instead of the police, now my stocks have dropped, my daughter is in the wrong light.  What do you think you are?, I still have the rights of a father over you.

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