Chapter 51: Khaddy

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Hi guys, sorry doesn't even begin to cut it. At all. I just know I haven't been writing, I'm so caught up with reading for school that I sometimes forget I have a book to finish. But, I promise, updates will be better after this.

Thank you for your patience. Please comment, please comment, please vote😞😬👻

"Ya Affy, I'm sorry."

I sigh and lean back on the headrest of my car seat. I watch Zarah sigh and look at me with a pleading expression.

"I'm just disappointed. Would you have rather married someone you don't know, for the gain that unscrupulous man wants to make? Or called me to be sure of the turn of events?" She looks out of the window.

"I thought when you came, those many years ago that seem like yesterday, that he knew and finally wanted me." I lean over the console and pull her to me.

"He's never ever sent me money for you. God forbid that I'd lie to you." She inhales and I pull her out of my bosom to pat her cheeks.

"I don't want to see you cry over this matter. It's done and dusted." She nods and dries her eyes with her blue veil.

"Zarahria, how far na. How's school treating you?" She laughs and waves her hands.

"Wallahi, ya Affy. I want to go home." We all laugh.

"Maama sent you the yogurt you asked for and the ice cream. It's in a cooler in the boot." Zarah screams and scrambles out if the car.

I turn to Saffy. "You'll be fine, Ok?"

She nods and smiles at me.


Let's meet up today by 2, at Miss's drinks. Nusaiba needs to talk.

I shut down my computer and begin to pull up my sleeves for Zuhr prayer, my  phone rings again.

This is an emergency, please be prompt. I've asked her to be there by 2:20.

I chuckle to myself at Umm Fawad's theatrics, she's getting better at scolding everyday.

My mind goes to the first message and my heart skips a beat. I hope she's fine.

Thirty minutes later, I'm done praying and I go back to mailing orders setting an alarm for one-thirty.

Once the alarm sounds, I shut down my computer, and set my scarf properly. Carrying my bag to the car.

I drive out if the underground garage to a drizzle and cool breeze. I turn down my windows, suddenly needing to breathe in some air after the heatwave like month we've had.

Once I park at the shop, I slowly recite a dua for strength and guidance. I don't know what I'm going to hear in there.

I walk in and sight them seating on a set of love seats with plenty pillows at the end of the room. I walk towards them and once they notice me, their excitement is visible.

"Salam Alaykum ladies" They chorus and answer and start to hug me one after the other. I sit close to Maryam and put my bag beside my crossed feet.

"Affy, I'm worried." Khadijah says in a low voice

I stop the motions if sipping the glass of water I have in my hand. I blink and answer.

"Me too. But, let's hope for the very best." She nods and cups her hands, we do the same and pray silently.

Ya Ajike and Ya Nusaiba walk through the door a few minutes later.

"Salam ladies." We reply with slow salams.

"Why do you all look so down?" Ya Nusaiba asks with an upturn of her lips, mockingly.

"We were worried about you." She leans back to watch our faces like we lost our minds.

"Ajike, what did you tell them?" Maryam brings out her phone and shows Ya Nusaiba who bursts into loud laughter once she finishes reading the message.

"Ajike, in all your years as an editor, you didn't think to make them calm. Your sense wasn't working." We all burst into laughter.

"Wasn't it you who said you were in trouble." She makes a face at her friend.

"I wasn't in trouble. My stupid boss who has been asking to have an affair with me for like a year now finally got his dessert. I served it chilling cold." I lean back on my chair to stare at her, at how she speaks with animation in her eyes.

I ask myself if I could ever have this sort of courage, and of course if it were Ya Nusaiba who was married to Nadir, she'd have killed him long ago.

"Affy!!" I find four pairs of eyes on me when I jerk out of my reverie.

"What about the thing we talked about?" I frown slightly.

She sucks on the ice from her mocktail and throws it my face. "Look at her, thinking deeply as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about."

I look at her face and finally it dawns on my slow brain what she's talking about. I blush. 

"Oh, No. Not yet." She drinks her beverage in one swallow.

"Why again now?" I smile and tell them the events of the past few days, my parents trying to marry Affy off and my father disowning me.

"Abeg, who their parentage epp." I nod, agreeing with them.

"I hope they don't disturb the poor girl. She has a bright future." I nod again. In this life, find friends that understand you, that love you, that are optimistic about you, that will push your goals with you. Only then can you say you've found fulfilment in friendship.

"You remember the asoebi for the Vp's daughter's wedding?" We all nodded. "The color ran out oo. Ankara that they swore was fifty thousand. They should have just said it was three thousand." I sigh.

"I'm just thankful Safiyya made it so simple, she saved me and my poor head  because Wallahi, I'd have called the girl to give her a piece of my boiling lava." Ya Nusaiba says and we all laugh.

"I wonder why Nigerians like to use the asoebi money to do a ceremony, it won't kill you to tell the truth about a material." Ya Ajike spread out her hands.

"I'm tired of it all, paying expensive money then they give substandard materials." I laugh quietly.

"Some won't even give souvenir after selling the asoebi for so much, so what did you use the money for?" I sigh. And look at Khadijah cradling her belly in a caring manner. One word pops into my brain. Baby

I lean back and watch the table get into a heated argument about how much anyone should put on asoebi as gain.

"Khaddy? When is our baby due?"

Her sleepy eyes pop open and the entire table is screaming once she nods.

"Congratulations sweetheart, another baby. Whoop whoop." She smiles as though shy.

I lean back in my chair and think, do I want babies at all? Would I be a good parent?


This chapter is for Miss_Painite who's +1 today. Happy Birthday sweetheart, may your days be long, may your joy be full. Love you.

Also, I'm sorry nothing really much happened here, especially no Nabeela +Adeel moments *sigh* I miss them too.

Finally, please suggest a ship name. Ya know👻👻.

See y'all soon.

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