Chapter 28:Dumb Afrah

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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Qul a'uudhi bi rabbin naas
Malikin naas"

I woke up to the sound of a voice reciting the Surah An Naas. I shook and tried to raise my arms. They were tied, i looked around and  I tried to search reasons why my hands and feet would be tied and why Ajike would be reciting a protection dua without a hijab on. I turned to look at her. She was bound to a leather chair and her feet was tied to the legs of the chair.

Tears sprang to my eyes. I surely put this on her. I surely did. My throat feels papery, like a large brush with sharp bristles was run through it.

"Are you awake now?" Ajike whispers and turn to look at her. The rope around her  tummy looks tightly bound, whoever bound her did it   so wickedly.

"Do you know who kidnapped us yet? How long have we been here?" I whispered back and she shakes get head. I look again at the rope around her belly and her wrists bound tightly to the arms of the chair, same as mine.

"We will be fine. By now Mu'adh and Adeel would have noticed our disappearance and definitely be looking for us by now. Worry less. Help is on the way."

I nod and look around the room we are in and I sigh, how did anyone even know we were going to take the long route. How on earth?

We sit with our thoughts in absolute silence until the door opens and the man who promised he was going to shoot Ajike's legs came in. He walked towards us with a mocking smile on his face, his grey eyes twinkling in mischief, he began twirling his short cocked gun in his left index finger when he reached us making my heart beat furiously at what could happen if he mistakenly pressed the trigger.

"I need to wee. Would you please allow me to ease myself?" Ajike whispers with a hoarse voice at the man and he laughs out loud in scorn before replying her.

"You are not in your house where you can piss at anytime. Here, piss on the chair you are on. Idiot." Anger surges in my heart and I tamp on it with serious effort before speaking in what I hoped to Allah was a pleading voice.

"Please let her pee. She needs it." He hisses and spits on the floor.

" You both have forgotten you are no longer in the arms of your husbands where you can take a piss at anytime." A scar runs from his forehead to the middle of his face, deep scar that probably killed all the potential his face had at being  handsome.

He hisses again and walks out. Probably to guard the door, spineless coward.

"Sorry Ajike." She nods and pulls her lips into her mouth, probably an attempt for relief.

"I'll be fine." She answers with a whoosh of air from her mouth. I feel so sad for her, they could have taken just me. Why add the poor woman and bring torture to her?

"Do you know what time it is now?" She looks at me and answered tiredly. I turn away to look around the room again.

The room had to be large to be able to take a bed and space for tying both of us down. In one side, there were pots, pans and there was a plate of what looked like rotten spaghetti. It carried flies that perched on Ajike's smooth skin every now and  then.

In what seemed like an hour later, we began to hear voices and footsteps. I heard the unmistakable sound of heels hitting pavement and the door opened with a bang.

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