Chapter Twenty: Flashing rings

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Frantic knocks wake me from my deep sleep. I finally went back to sleep after praying subh. I reach for my phone to check the time but another knock stops me. I gingerly get out of my bed and walk slowly to the door. There's a peephole that let's me see Adeel's worried face, he's standing back from the door.

Reminds me of my wicked behaviour last night.

"Good morning." He looks me over and I remember that I still have the hot water bottles pouch wrapped around my lower abdomen. My hands go to it.

"I hope you slept well?" I smile and say I did despite nearly dying from dysmonerra . He nods and gestures down the stairs

"Breakfast is in the kitchen, we'll be visiting my parents, yours and having dinner with the Dikkos. We'll leave by twelve." I nod slowly and he walks away. I feel even more guilty for my outburst yesterday. I should have been more tactful but life as you_know_who's wife has turned me into a cynic, never be too happy or your happiness will come back to hunt you.

After showering in hot water, applying makeup, I dress in one of my new ankara skirt and blouse that Safiyya made for me. It's in a leaf green colour that does wonders to my already glowing skin.

"Ready?" He's at the foot of the stairs in a black kaftan, he's adjusting his cap and my mind goes back to how quiet he was at my unnecessary outburst last night. I should apologise.

I descend the stairs a bit faster to his side and quickly touch his elbow to draw his attention. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I was out of line." He smiles in a way that makes my stomach clench in fear.

"It's fine, I understand perfectly. I hope you'll be friendlier next time." I finger my veil in sudden shyness. Nabeela? Shy? Inward laughter bubbles out and he turns to look at me with one bushy eyebrow raised in question.

"Hamma Adeel!!!!!!" Zarah burst out of the front door immediately Adeel opened the car door, and once he straightened, she jumped into his arms.

"I've missed you so much." He puts up an eyebrow in mock question that has me giggling and Zarah faltering in irritation.

"So, I can't miss you?.It's not your fault. I won't miss you again." She walks over to my side and takes my black Chanel handbag from me. She hooks her elbow in mine drawing me to the front door.

"I came to your house today Ya Nabeela, but Hamma Adeel said we should leave the food with security. I wanted to see you about giving a tutorial for your scarf style. I'll gain so many followers on YouTube and instagram if I do it and tag you. Ya know." I smile politely at her and my heart sings when we see her mother leaning on the doorjamb looking pointedly at Zarah. She removes her hand from mine and gives me back my handbag before rushing past her mother in fear. Adeel and his mother shake their heads..

"Mother where did you get that specie from. She doesn't behave like the rest of us." His mother gives him a slap on his shoulder before opening her arms out for me.

"Nabeela darling, I hope you enjoyed your night?" Adeel coughs out loud and turns to look at his mother.

"Maama, do you want to embarrass her on her first day in? Haba." I smile on her direction and tell her I slept well although otherwise. I'll be doing so much lying this days.

We finally walk into one of the most massive living rooms I've ever seen, Italian sofas and high ceilings in white and rich gold. I slide to the floor beside Adeel's mother and she looks at me with a deep frown. She taps the space beside her.

"In this house, the house where I rule, don't sit on the floor. I consider you mine. Sit beside me as you would with your mother. Hold my hands let me share in your joys and sadness. OK?" A tear smarts my eye and unconsciously spills and she picks out a tissue from the box beside her to wipe my tear.

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