Chapter Ten: Hajiya's Advice

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"I have work to do."

I squat and watch her face steadily, then she looks at my clothes. Eyes me with pure contempt.

"Go and change that rubbish you are wearing, All of your laps are showing and pick a bigger veil!! " Out of respect for her and the mini humiliation she just suffered in my hands just an hour ago, I decide to go change.

I change into a purple and cream flowered ankara skirt and the bell sleeve blouse. I wrap a purple lacy veil around my shoulders and walk down the stairs to where she's seated.

I kneel to her level and she motions for me to seat on the rug, I carefully sit and wait for her to speak. If had henna on my hands, I'd study my fingers but I settle for the sort of eye work I want to do on Khadijah's eyes. I want her to look absolutely stunning and for her eyes to speak volumes.

She must have noticed my lack of concentration because she snaps her fingers before talking. " Afrah, this time around, you are going to be a completely subservient wife. Even the Quran says so. You must behave yourself. Even when he offends you, beg him. Let him be at peace with you. Work hard so you are his only wife, bring yourself down to his level. Do all sorts of things, don't let one child from his village take him from you."

I scratch an itchy spot on my neck then I nod and stand up. This woman is a complete joker. I laugh internally. Joker of the year. That award, should be given to Hajiya Mama.

I start my car and drive out of my father's sprawling compound. Hajiya Mama has always had this mentality that a man is supposed to be allowed to walk over you and do all he wants. And while he does all he wants, that you must also allow him. 

Hajiya has always been a truly subservient wife to Father's father. He married two women after her but she still lets him do all he likes to her. I remember now that he has never respected her in our presence.

Once, when I was much younger and I went to spend a semester holiday with Hajiya Mama, she had been slapped by Father's father. Slapped so hard that her neck snapped back and when she thought I wasn't looking a tear dropped from her eye. She has little or no authority in her own house and her own way of having and showing authority is by meddling in our lives.

I guess that's  why she thinks men are supposed to walk over you as a woman, that you are not supposed to have an opinion. That even if you do have an opinion, it shouldn't be spoken.

It's how Hajiya Mama thinks I should live my life, I've lived one marriage that way, this next one will be vastly different.

Half an hour later I drive into the Dikko mansion in Life camp, this is the house of Ajìkè's mother in law. I'm allowed in after a few minutes of checks, there's so much security presence, and as I walk to the back where Khadijah is, My mind attunes to my conveyance to Husband no 1's house.

After my relatives left, I had waited till nearly three in the morning for him, I should had known that I wasn't wanted and should have left.

My phone chimes with a message and it jerks me out of the reverie I'm in. Hajiya Mama's tantrums had let me be late, and I hate rushing makeup.

Loud girly laughter greets me as I walk into the small apartment Khadijah and her girls are in, my students have made all the bridesmaids up which is very early considering how late I am, and they were twelve in number. The bridesmaids all looked on fleek and flawless faces greeted me.

I quickly apologised to Khadijah and began preparing her face. Due to several treatments her face must have undergone, her skin is a smooth as butter and her complexion is even, making my work faster.

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