twenty seven

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The crown was placed carefully atop her head, a crown of silver and pearl, perfectly crafted for Talia's head. On her body, a white dress decorated in pearls, all of them plucked from the ocean of District 4, all of them perfect. Aldar had out done himself with the ceremony dress, and Finnick couldn't help but smile when he saw her walking towards the chariots, her hands holding up the train of the beautiful dress. Finnick was shirtless, his muscular torso on display, wisps of silver and blue painted onto his body to resemble oceans, around his neck a line of pearls that reached to the centre of his chest and he wore white, tight trousers that also had wisps of silver and blue painted onto them, on his fingers, rings of pearls.

"You look stunning," Finnick says when Talia reaches their chariot.

"Thank you," She says, glancing him up and down, "You don't look so bad yourself,"

He looks himself up and down, copying her, he chuckles "Thanks,"

She's about to say something else when she notices Finnick looking past her, she looks over her shoulder and sees Katniss in a black dress with a slightly shimmered pattern to, Peeta wearing a tunic suit of the same material. The two of them wore faces of steel. Finnick wears a smirks before he stalks over towards them, grabbing sugar cubes from one of the stable boys as he passes. Talia watches with crossed arms as he wears a charming smile for Katniss Everdeen, the Girl of Fire. Talia scoffs when she sends him a glare. Since Finnick was already making friends, she decided to make one of her own, she lifts her dress up and walks towards Peeta, catching Katniss' glare as she passes.

"The boy on fire," She says, causing Peeta to jump before he turns.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting someone," He chuckles, turning properly, "Talia Riverthorn, I would say its a pleasure to meet you, but we've already met,"

"Indeed, we have, I remember the nervous little boy giving me flowers, I was very upset when your name was pulled from the bowl, but I was surprised when you won, when you and Katniss announced your undying love to the world," Talia says, out the corner of her eye she could see both Finnick and Katniss watching them closely. Talia places a hand on Peeta's arm,  before leaning in to his ear and whispering, "Your Katniss is a difficult egg to crack, but I'm willing to try, and so is Finnick, if you need us, we are here,"

She pulls away, retracting her hand and they both share a genuine smile before Talia turns and walks away back to the chariot, she steps onto the back of it and makes sure her dress looks perfect, fixing her crown of pearls slightly, practising the glare she was going to give the crowds. Finnick soon joined her, he wanted to ask her what she had said to Peeta but thought it better to leave it for now. He reaches for her hand and she snatches it back quickly.

"Don't, please, don't," She warns, her fierce eyes piercing his. He simply nods and lets his hand fall to his side, his other holding the handle of the chariot.

The first of the horses sets off, and the Opening Ceremony is quickly underway. District 4's chariot pulls off and Talia lifts her head high, Finnick plasters on his smile and the crowd erupts when they see them both, cheering their names, throwing roses and whistling for them. Finnick is about to lift his hand to wave when Talia nudges him.

"Don't you dare," She says, "After your little fit about the rebellion do not wave to these people,"

Finnick lets out a lengthy breath and keeps his hand holding firmly onto the chariot. The crowds go by as the horses reach the end of the road and pause outside of the President's usual tower, Talia can see him there, standing, a golden band around his head to indicate his Presidency, to show his royalty to all. And here Talia Riverthorn was, wearing her crown, as if she was somehow equal to him, when in reality, she was just a little District 4 girl, born and raised by a fisherman and his wife who had won the Hunger Games and was back to face another.

She glares up to the President and listens to his welcome words and she keeps glaring as the chariot does its final round of the circle and then heads back towards the Tribute Centre. The horses pull back into the building and Talia quickly gets off, sending a frown towards Finnick as she walks, thats when she sees her, Gwen Baker, the elderly blind lady from District 9.

"Gwen!" Talia calls out and the woman turns her head in her direction, a smile on her soft elderly face.

Talia quickly makes her way over and takes Gwen's outstretched hand, "Its Talia,"

"I can tell," Gwen smiles softly, her other hand wrapping around Talia's, "I heard that you volunteered, why do such a foolish thing?"

"Because either way I was going to be a pawn in someones game, Gwen," Talia says, her voice quiet, "In the arena, I'd like you to be with me, I want to protect you,"

"Thank you, young one, but I have every intention of dying in that arena," Gwen says, her hands slip away from Talia's, "But you, my girl, you go in there and you fight for your life,"



Her head turns to look at Aldar and Coral both waiting for her, she shakes her head and turns just in time to see Gwen already walking away with her District's team. Talia lets out a heavy sigh and returns to her own team, Aldar wearing a wide smile.

"You looked like a Queen," He says.

"Good," Talia nods, walking past them.

"The Pearl of Panem," Coral says, "A fine title,"

"A title filled with a burden I'm finished baring," Talia says, "I want to win these games,"

"And we're going to help you do it," Coral says following Talia into the elevator, "With or without Finnick Odair,"

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