fifty nine

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warning: mentions of sexual assault and abuse.

Air. That was what she needed. She needed air. Her hands push against the grated metal surface, her feet doing the same. Her head surfaces and her lungs burn as she breathes in. Her head snaps to the side quickly and see's him, Finnick, face down in the water. Burned, bloody mutts are scattered across the sewer room, everything in smoking from the explosion of Katniss's holo. Talia hopes they made it out okay. She wades to Finnick and tries not to vomit at the smell of his burnt flesh. His upper back and shoulders are completely singed, his skin mottled and bloody. She pulls his head out of the water, he's unconscious, most likely from a mixture of the pain and from the force of the blast. She drags him, her whole body protesting at his weight, to the edge of the water, where the metal pathway is. She climbs out herself before using all her strength to pull Finnick up. Her back nearly gives way, but she manages.

Finnick's limp body sprawls across the floor and she checks his pulse, its shallow, but its there. She drags Finnick into an upright position, his skin tearing even more against the grated floor. She winces, she hated seeing him like this- if he survived he'd be scarred for life. Her backpack was still strapped to her. She takes it off and searches it for supplies. Finnick's backpack was destroyed in the explosion, and most likely was what saved the skin of his from being completely torn away from the bone. Talia finds some bandages and some rubbing alcohol. She looks at the burns and feels her stomach twisting with sickness.

"I'm so sorry, Finnick," She whispers before pouring alcohol across his back.

He roars awake, screaming in agony. He clenches his fists as she keeps pouring. "Stop! Please, I beg!"

She doesn't stop, finishing the job by ensuring his whole back has been cleaned.

"I'm sorry, but I had to, your entire back is burned and I-" Her voice cracks, and her eyes well with tears, "I'm so sorry,"

He breathes through the pain that was shooting across his back, he'd never felt anything like it. "Its okay," He manages to say.

"I have bandages, but I'm not sure if I should put them on," She says quietly. "Do you think you could walk? I don't want to be down here anymore,"

He nods his head slowly, "If we're near the President's mansion then I know someone who can take us in,"

"Okay..." Talia mutters. She stands up, "Does the person happen to be trained in medicine?"

"No, he's a gamemaker," Finnick says. Talia shoots him a glare. "Was a gamemaker,"

"What happened to him?" She asks as she helps him into a stand. He winces through it, but stands none the less.

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