forty nine

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Katniss and Talia approached Lyme side by side. The commander of the District 2 rebels looked up at them from the large round table she was leaning over. She was a tall woman, even taller than Gale who was flanking Katniss. She has shaved blonde hair and blue eyes that seemed to scrutinise everything about the three of them.

Katniss and Talia share a glance, before Talia turns to Lyme.

"Talia Riverthorn, ma'am," She says, holding out her bruised hand- she'd had to punch a District 13 guard in the jaw pretty hard to knock him out and race aboard the hovercraft leaving for Two.

Lyme shakes her hand, "Drop the ma'am and we might get along,"

Talia smiles softly, before turning to Katniss and Gale, "This is Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne,"

"Pleased to meet you both, I understand Coin has brought you to...Inspire those that remain inside the Nut," Lyme says, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Correct, but we're good fighters too," Gale shrugs, moving past the two girls to look at the battle table- on it was a map of District 2, it wasn't that big in the grand scheme of things, it was smaller than District 4, but bigger than 12 and 13. The biggest Districts had always been what some might consider the most important- 7, 9, 10 and 11. Lumber, grain, livestock and agriculture. Where the other Districts's were pretty flat, District 2 was mountainous, hence, the Nut. The Nut was a huge mountain in the centre of the District, inside was where the Capitol stored their weaponry. The outer perimeter was home to a selection of small villages that had been taken over by Lyme's rebels. Now, all that remained out of reach was the town centre and the Nut.

"We need all the fighters we can get, good or bad," Lyme says, the hint of a laugh on her lips, "You can find somewhere to sleep in whats left of the meeting hall through that blasted wall,"

Lyme gestures behind them, "If you need me, I'm most likely going to be here, after all, I've got a war to try and win,"

"I'll stay here for awhile," Gale says, "I'd like to talk strategy,"

Katniss nods to Gale and Lyme, before leading Talia through the broken wall and into the meeting hall. It was a large room, and served as the campsite for the leading rebels. Lyme's tent was positioned closest to the wall, and a few others were scattered inside. In the centre was a fire pit where a few soldiers were cooking rice and a small bit of meat. Talia's stomach rumbled as she passed by, but she kept up with Katniss. They found the tent Lyme had meant, inside were three fold out camping beds, a fire lit lamp and a medical kit.

The two girls sat down on opposite beds and Katniss opens her mouth to speak, but thinks better of it. Talia noticed though.

"Out with it," Talia frowns.

"I risked a lot to get you here...I risked my own life, Prim's life, Gale's life...Finnick's sanity..." Katniss's muttering fades and Talia meets her eye.

"And I'm grateful. I have to be here. I need to do this," Talia says. Katniss glances to the other girls stomach, letting out a deep breath.

"Peeta told the world I was pregnant, do you remember?" Katniss asks. Talia's eyes shoot up to meet hers.

"Is this where you tell me you actually are pregnant?" Talia asks, voice cold.

"No," Katniss sighs a laugh, "God no,"

"Then what is it?"

"I was scared, just by the mere thought of having a child be brought into this world, and there you are, living that very thing I fear," Katniss shrugs, "You're braver than I am,"

"I'm not," Talia smiles widely, "I'm stupider,"

Katniss can't hold back her equal grin, before a laugh escapes her lips. The two girls laugh for a moment, before Katniss shakes her head, "I think you and Finnick will be great parents,"

"If we survive," Talia reminds her. Katniss rolls her eyes.

"You will, you and the baby, I'll make sure of it," Katniss says, she stands up and steps over to Talia before kneeling before her. She puts her hand in her pocket and slowly reveals a pin. "I know...I know you've got your own symbol and name...But I thought...I don't know...We might be on the same team now,"

Talia looks down at the broach as Katniss hands it to her. Its an identical Mockingjay pin, except this bird's wings are spread, like Katniss's one, but in its mouth, a ball. Talia looks closer, not a real pearl inside, a real pearl would be too big, but it is painted pearl white. Talia smiles softly.

"A Mockingjay holding a pearl...Original," Talia says, sarcasm on the tip of her tongue.

"I...I'm sorry, I thought—"

"No, no don't be silly," Talia chuckles, she pins the Mockingjay to her chest, "I like it,"

Katniss lets out a soft breath of relief, "You're inspiring,"

Talia's eyes widen, she's shocked by the words.

"You probably don't remember when you came to District 12 on your Victory Tour," Katniss begins.

"I do remember it. I remember seeing Archer's family, and I remember little Peeta Mellark handing me some flowers, and I remember it was so overwhelming,"

"I was in the crowd," Katniss speaks, "I was stood with Gale and Prim...We caught eyes, just for a moment, when I kissed my three fingers and saluted you, for what you said about little Archer,"

Talia looks away, the hazy memory of a young girl with braided brown hair, saluting her from the crowd. "I remember,"

Katniss smiles, she was glad Talia remembered, "When you were stood up there that day, did you have any idea? You know, about where your future would lead?"

Talia looses a breath, "No,"

Katniss nods, she understood, "I just wanted to get home to Prim and my mother,"

Talia takes Katniss's hand in hers and she gives the girl a smile, she was so young, and had seen so much already. Talia saw herself in her. She felt the fire that lingered under Katniss's skin.

"You're the Mockingjay, Katniss Everdeen, and you will save Panem,"


holy shit we're nearing the end and i'm scared



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