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Talia and her group had taken the watch over the Cornucopia in shifts, Darius had explained that usually the Gamemakers would hold a 'feast' at the Cornucopia once it had dwindled down to the last few tributes, but had also explained that there was probably still too many alive to start that yet. When Talia awoke the following morning having had around 4 hours of sleep she noticed Bailey and Archer were still sleeping, Archer wrapped up in a blanket Bailey had given to him.

Talia sees Darius sharpening the edge of his sword and Talia couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to protect her, why he held such an interest in her and what her fate would end up being. Why was he concerned about warning her, when he could have just left her to die and have a better chance at becoming a Victor himself?

She looks up to the sky, the sun was barely peeking out from the grey clouds and finally Darius lifts his eyes to meet hers, "A beautiful arena,"

"Indeed," She nods, tapping her finger off a leaf, snow falls from it, "But equally as deadly,"

"The most beautiful things tend to be the most deadly," He says, eyes unwavering, but a small smirk playing on his lips, "Nice trident,"

Talia glances at the weapon that had lay beside her all night, her hand had rested on the hilt of her knife during her sleep, "Sponsor sent it in,"

"Its very nice," He says, "I wonder what Odair had to do to get that,"

The words were cold, nearly as cold as the snow that threatened to spill from the clouds above, "I expect he did a lot to get it for me, and I'm grateful that he did,"

"I suspect you're good with one, since it scored you an 11, needless to say, I was impressed," He says, and he goes to say something else, but Talia lifts a finger to her lips. She uses the same finger to point out across the open space that lay beyond their spot in the treeline.

His eyes turn and he grips his sword a little tighter as he sees a male storming across the snow covered plain with an axe in his hand. Talia crawls to sit beside Darius, "That's not Ethan,"

"Its Callius, District 9," Darius whispers back, "Wake them,"

Talia does as he orders, waking Bailey and Archer, who quickly pick up their weapons and are ready to move within a few moment of packing away items.

"What's he doing?" Bailey asks, her head low between Talia and Darius's shoulders.

"He's looking in the Cornucopia, probably-" Darius pauses, he points out four figures coming from the opposite direction.

"That's Ethan," Talia breathes and Archer puts hand on her forearm, it soothes her, but only for a moment, "And Diamond, Samantha and Mason,"

"We have to warn him," Bailey says and she's about to whistle when Darius clamps a hand over her mouth.

"And risk them finding us? Of getting their hands on Talia?" Darius whispers and Bailey frowns, shaking her head.

The careers cross the snow quickly enough, and Talia stands up, her hand wrapping round her trident. Darius grabs her leg, his arm forcing her to stay where she was. Bailey rolls her eyes, grabbing her bow and arrows, she and Darius force Talia back down to crouching level and Bailey looks at Darius, she leans in and whispers inaudible words to him, and when she pulls away his eyes close and he nods.

Darius grips Talia and Archer does the same, watching as Bailey clambers out of the treeline and stalks towards the Cornucopia. She fires an arrow, hitting Diamond dead in the chest. The pretty blonde falls and within a few seconds the cannon booms. Callius rushes from the Cornucopia, seeing Bailey firing arrow after arrow fly towards the three remaining careers.

"Why is she doing this?" Talia asks, not daring to speak louder than a whisper.

"She's protecting us," Darius says, "She told me she wanted to, she needed to,"

"She's mental!" Talia says and Archer shakes his head.

"You were about to go out there too," He tells her and Darius is thankful the boy agrees with him.

Their eyes watch as arrows fire and fire, and Callius engages Mason in an axe battle, Samantha and Ethan sprinting towards Bailey. Darius shakes his head, turning to Talia and Archer, "Get out of here,"

Before Talia or Archer can stop him, he's ran out into the open, sword bared and nothing else, both Bailey and Darius's packs had been left behind. Samantha is killed by Bailey, a knife to the throat. The cannon sounds. Talia covers Archer's eyes as Bailey and Darius work together to fight Ethan, swinging and swinging, but he has a mace, and he keeps them at a distance, swinging the sharp points into their sides. He swings the mace into Bailey's gut and throws her through the air, her body slams into the Cornucopia, her intestines spilling out as she slides down the golden structure that was now painted crimson. Darius lets out a roar, and he rushes for Ethan, sword ready to strike. Behind them, Callius defeats Mason. The cannon sounds, and as Talia kneels there in the snow, she realises that no cannon has sounded for Bailey, she was still alive, bleeding out on the snow.

Callius rushes for the forest, so Talia and Archer keep low, watching the male rush right past them without even noticing. Ethan pulls in his mace and wraps the chain around Darius's sword and he drags the weapon from his grasp, sending the sword flying.

"Darius..." Bailey whispers, distracting the District 6 male for a moment, a moment too long. Ethan swings his mace and cuts a jagged line across Darius's throat. Blood sprays, showering Ethan and the white snow below. A cannon booms again. Talia watches Ethan stalk over to Bailey and he grabs her throat with his hand, pulling, tugging on her neck. Finally, her flesh gives in and he tears her throat out with his bare hands, blood coating him yet again. His laugh is a roar across the arena, its so loud it rocks Talia to the core. If someone had told her at the Reaping that this monster was the man sharing the stage with her, she would have laughed in their face. But here he was, a wolf in sheep's clothing. And it was only a matter of time before Talia would have to come face to face with him, and the nightmare that seemed to run through his veins.


i have to say, i love describing gory fight scenes

thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!


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