Chapter 29

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Hey everyone! 

I'm really sorry about such a long wait for this but I've had a tough couple of months and just couldn't write. 

But I am back and will be posting again regularly.  There are only like 6 chapters left in the entire book so theres that. Yayyy. 

I will be trying to post the remainder of the book in the next week, I hope anyway. I need to finish this as it's taken me almost 2 years. I have some other stories I want to work on but I feel I need to get this finished and out there before I continue with other things. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this realllllllyyy long chapter! Let me know what you think :)


We arrived back at the pack house and I was stunned. Both packs were crowded around the porch, there were no smiling happy faces. Everyone looked ready for battle, I felt an immense amount of pride for our packs. Damien's pack didn't know me or Marty all that well but they were still here and prepared to fight.

I caught Lauren's eye and jumped out of Damien's arms and into her waiting ones. A fresh round of tears escaped as she held me and smoothed my hair. I was so caught up in my grief that I didn't even care how I looked to the packs, I didn't care if it made me look weak or pathetic. I just wanted him back.

"Shh, we will get him back Lys"

"I can't lose him Laur. I can't lose anymore of my family"

Lauren pushed me back, hands on my shoulders and face stern "Now you listen here. You won't lose him okay? You have 500 wolves behind you who will do anything to help you get him back. You hear me?"

I simply nodded, too afraid to get on her bad mommy side. She smiled at me and turned me around so I was facing Damien again. I gave him a small smile and a nod, letting him know I was okay for now.

He returned the smile then turned around to face the packs. I started walking to be beside him but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. Turning around, I came face to face with Thrain, he didn't say anything, he didn't need to and he knew I didn't need that right now. He simply squeezed my shoulder, gave me a sad smile and a peck on the cheek before walking over to Delilah.

Quickly blinking my eyes to keep the tears away, I went and stood beside Damien. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed softly, making me feel safe.

A sharp whistle got everyones attention on us, there were anxious faces and angry ones from the people who know what happened.

"Some of you know what has happened, but for the people who don't know we will explain everything now" Damien's voice floated out across the silent pack with ease

"On our way home just a few hours ago, we were ambushed. Alyssa and myself were drawn out of the car by a little girls screaming. While we were investigating, both cars were attacked"

Shocked gasps rang out across the pack, some people were silent but with horrified looks on their faces. Still no one said anything, waiting for Damien to continue.

"A few of our warriors were mildly injured, but someone was taken. You may have noticed that we don't have someone with us, Marty, our pup was taken by someone who wants to hurt Alyssa and has hit her in the worst way possible"

Loud, ferocious growls rippled through the crowd. Exclamations of disgust and anger could be heard. I saw Brooke, Marty's sitter in tears. A wave of Damien's hand quietened everyone down for the moment.

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