Chapter 19

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Heyyyy, so here is another chapter! 

Now there is some sexual content in this chapter so if you want to stay innocent then please just skip this one. If you don't want to read it, you won't be missing out on much ;)


Damien laid on top of us for a few more minutes. Having his weight on top of us was sending my wolf into primal mode, she wanted him and she wanted him now. Damien growled low in his throat and jumped off us, he started shifting back to his human form. I looked up at him and my breath caught in my throat, seeing him naked sent my arousal through the roof. He is even more attractive naked, his chest is smooth, a smattering of dark hair covered his defined pecs. The man even has nice nipples. A trail of dark hair ran from his navel to join the hair above his very large and very hard dick, a low growl rumbled through my throat at the sight of him. I felt his eyes on me and looked up to see his eyes dark and filled with lust.

"Shift back Alyssa, I need to see you"

Without thinking, I shifted back into my human form. The cold air hit my naked body and I repressed a shiver, the way Damien was looking at me was sending warmth throughout my body. I didn't feel the need to shy away from him. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees, my hair blew about my face and I saw Damien stiffen. My arousal was sending him crazy, and to be honest, I can smell his arousal as well and it was making everything more intense. We stood opposite each other, naked as the day we were born, nothing being said, just staring at each other with desire flowing all around us. I decided I was finally sick of making excuses.


His eyes raised to meet mine and he must have seen the resolve in my eyes because before I knew, he was in front of me. His entire front right against mine, his lips curved into a wicked smile before his lips descended onto mine, they were hard, needy and his hands roved my entire body, coming to rest tightly against my hips. My hands found their way into his hair and a deep rumble started in Damien's chest, I pulled a little and he growled. I giggled and did it again. Damien ran his hands down over my hips and to the back of my thighs, lifting me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his erection almost pushing into me, I grinded myself over his hips, wanting to feel the friction between us. I growled when Damien pushed me against a tree so he could have his hands free to explore my body, my own hands left his hair and roved over his back. I could feel his muscles bunching as he used his strength to hold me against the tree, the bark digging into my back didn't bother me as I explored his body.

My hands moved to his ass, it was tight and the best thing I had ever touched. I wanted to feel all of him, I moved my hands so they were between us and slowly moved down to his dick. Closing my hands around him, I felt a sharp inhale, then his lips were departing mine and moving to my neck. I moaned at the feeling and tilted my head to the side for better access, Damien's teeth grazed the place where he would place his mark. I have had enough playing around, I need him and I need him now.

Without saying a word, I moved my hands a bit and gently guided his throbbing dick to my entrance. He knew what I was asking and before I could do anything else, he thrusted into me and a gasp escaped my lips from the sudden intrusion.

"Are you okay M'anamchara?"

"So good. Now, take me Damien"

"Yes, Alpha" Without any further hesitation he started thrusting into me hard and fast. My moans of pleasure overtook every sound in the woods, my nails raked down his back drawing groans of pleasure from within the both of us.


We laid there wrapped in each others arm, sweat glistening on our bodies, the moonlight filtering in through the tree tops. Damien's fingers ran lazily along my spine, while my fingers drew patterns on his chest. My hand trailed up to his neck, the red teeth marks from my bite could clearly be seen and I know the same marks from Damien's bite are on my neck. I placed a kiss on his chest and a rumble answered me, I was content to stay here for the rest of the night but I know we have to get back to our packs and try and figure out what we are going to do.

M'anamchara, I know what you are thinking and while I would love for nothing more than to stay here and ravish you all night long, we have to go back

I giggled, loving the sound of his voice in my mind, I had forgotten that we can mind link now and feel each others emotions. I sent a feeling of love toward him and he tightened his arms around me. We laid there for a few more minutes, just basking in each others bodies.

"Come on my love, lets go home" Damien uncoiled my body from his and stood up, he offered his hand and pulled me up.

I stepped into his open arms and savored the warmth they provided, his hands roved up and down my body, giving my butt a squeeze and causing me to moan into his chest. I could feel him getting hard again and I quickly stepped away before I lost myself in him for too long. He pouted as his arms fell away and he tried to grab me back but I danced out of his.

"Alyssa, you shouldn't make me chase you"

"You shouldn't be trying to take me again Alpha, we have packs to run" I smiled cheekily at him.

He nodded his head in agreement and held his hand out for me to take, I took it without complaint and we walked towards the pack house.

"Love? Where are the clothes?" He had stopped and was looking down at me with a frown on his face

"Clothes? Why?"

His eyebrows raised in disbelief "I am not allowing my mate to walk naked through a pack full of hungry wolves. You are mine and no one else is allowed to see you naked but me" He growled out and pulled me too him, his wolf wanting the comfort from my wolf. His head dipped down to my neck and his tongue darted out to lick my mark, my legs almost gave way beneath me and I shifted my head to the side to grant more access. His deep growl of approval was all the encouragement I needed, I pulled his head to meet mine and kissed him deeply. I couldn't care about anything right now, only that I wanted to show his wolf how strong his mate could really be. I stepped back and roved my eyes over his body, he was just too perfect for words.

"Damien, you need to lay down on your back right now. I am going to blow your mind and make you beg me to stop"

"I will never beg you to stop Alyssa, I need you more than anything" A feral growl ripped from his lips before I jumped on him and forced him to his back.

He never once begged me to stop, telling me to go faster, letting me take control over him and I relished in it. My wolf was loving the control she had over her mate.

The moon was high in the sky when we had finished and we finally headed back to the pack house. I had a lot of making up to do with the pack and Damien wanted to tell his pack what his decision was regarding the joining of the packs.

We got dressed, Damien was stalling again and honestly I wasn't mad about it. I wanted him again and it wasn't just because of the bond, yes, the bond was making our feelings and emotions stronger but we already had plenty of feelings and those feelings were the driving force behind my need for him. I could tell that he felt the same as well, his eyes roved over my body but they always made their way back to settle on my eyes. He always managed to make me feel like I am his whole world, which might be down to the fact that he went 300 years thinking he had no mate. We stood staring at each other, each of us not willing to be the first to leave, finally, Damien sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Guess I have to be the bad guy love" He grinned at me

"Yes, I can't be strong right now. I want you so bad and I will let myself get caught up and nothing would ever get done" I stepped into his embrace, steeling myself so I could still walk away when I needed to. We both breathed in deeply, trying to imprint the others scent, one final slow kiss and Damien stepped away.

"Do not worry my love, tonight will be the only night we are apart. From now on, I do not care how it happens but we will be sleeping beside each other no matter what"

I grinned and nodded before stepping backwards, I blew a kiss towards him and then quickly bolted out of the trees. If I didn't leave now, I never would. You will see him later I told myself and I just kept thinking about that while I stepped into the house and ran up the stairs to my room. I couldn't keep the smile off my face and I'm glad that there was no one around to see me grinning like an idiot and stroking my mark. 

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