Twenty six

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Chapter twenty six

***Don't hate me***

At large

Sometimes, the people you helped, almost always are not able to repay the kindness. It is those people you do not expect, that ends up fulfilling the role.

It was no secret that Saif was ill. The impact on other people might seem minor, but that happens to be from Minaa's hemisphere of thought. She isn't the type to mingle and she wouldn't really know anything she wasn't told.

At large, Saif's illness has caused such an uproar. Of course, whether it is negative or positive depends on the place and person. Mostly, the higher echelons of Maicki felt he is doomed. It was his bad luck provoking the Antas. Most of the higher society knows about the Antas and their possible greed for the throne. So everyone turns a blind eye and acted as if nothing was happening. The problem was that they were too powerful. And they were getting even more powerful.

There are some that felt Saif did not deserve this fate. Afterall, he didn't do anything! He didn't force Sultana to hurt people and behave like a little terror! Anyways, regardless of what might be the cause, Saif didn't deserve this at all. In their eyes, Saif was someone who view for peace. In a long while, Maicki needs this more than anything. But nowadays, the elders are too selfish and the society is deteriorating. Even though economically, the country is quite stable, the tides of internal strife is weakening the core of the society from the inside out. If Saif falls, everyone will feel helpless.

No one can contend with the Antas.

It's simple and scary! But then, Saif wasn't that too chummy with the higher echelons of Maicki. Ever since his debut, he was hardworking and relentless. He didn't have much time for social idiosyncrasies unless it has something to do with work. So the people who felt his illness naturally didn't come from that group.

The middle class families felt a heartache because Saif has been magnanimous in his dealings with them. Before, middle class families wouldn't be able to gain entry into any of the world class academies and institutions. The army had become a thing of inheritance and jo common man has total confidence in getting in. But Saif changed that. Because it wasn't written that only the higher ups get to have work related privileges, he tried to make room for free employment based on skill and not blood. It didn't have anything to do with politics. The Alkali's are first and foremost, business people. They almost have shares in every thriving business in Maicki. The monopoly is known as an itch no one has scratched yet. So if he wanted to create employment, it's beyond simplicity itself.

And Saif has a habit of helping people in a low key manner. As long as he realizes you need the help and he could afford it, he would try to see that you get it. It's not just his friends. This is a habit he developed after helping Amal. She made him want to help other people as well.

Among those he's helped were the lower class families scattered around Maicki. His work takes him to very remote places sometimes. And his visit almost always bears fruit. It's this habit that led him to help a very poor farmer. He probably has already forgotten about it by now. But this farmer didn't forget. He has never met Saif face to face before. When Saif sent him the little envelope that changed his life, he didn't even try to contact the guy. It was something he did casually with pure intentions. He didn't do it for thank yous or recognition. He did it for he heck of it. He saw the man needed help and he had never had any kids that could stand for him in his aging years. The work he did was backbreaking and tedious. He reminded him of Papa a little and he couldn't help but try to lend a hand.

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