Chapter 37

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***the real threat***


I opened my eyes slowly. My head feels heavy and when i focused on the bedside lamp, it began to pound like I was being hit by a sledge hammer.

That didn't stop me from dragging myself into a sitting position. I looked around the room trying to remember the final moments before i slept.

A rush of images bombarded my skull. I could remember bits and pieces. But i could not make sense of them. What i could clearly remember is the lunch date and our walk back to the house after it was over. I remembered feeling a sudden surge of anger at Amal. Like she was responsible for what i was feeling. That she was doing it on purpose. Then the thoughts slowly turned into darker recesses like how girls like her play with fire and how they eventually get burnt...

The thoughts sounded like a recording from the book of a demented soul. Yet, it feels as if it was in my head, goading me..

I was so confused at that incident when i remembered how much the anger roared until it turned into a raging volcano of pure hatred. I remembered a voice whispering in my head that she needed to be punished....

It was like a scene from a movie.

I remembered changing places whenever she was near because the need to hurt her was getting unbearable. So i simply stayed away because there's still a rational part of my mind telling me that it didn't make any sense!

But i can't remember much after lying down. Nothing. Zilch.

I don't know why the thoughts sounded like mine but I know that what ever I do, I will never hurt Amal. But then i was so scared of what was happening to me. Am i going crazy?!

That voice in my mind, was i imagining it? What was it? What about the surge of baseless anger?

One thing was certain.

Perhaps I have a certain mental illness and I need to see a doctor!

I said the waking up azkar but when I walked out of the room, I realized that it is nighttime.

Was I asleep for an entire day?

Or did I not sleep for long and it is still night?

Where is Amal anyway?

I found her in the living room, lying on the sofa. I hurried to her side even though acting so suddenly sent me into a dizzy spell. Amal opened her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes are red and she looks to be in pain.

"Uncle Saif!" She cried. Tears pooled her eyes and she said "take me to the hospital I think I'm dying!" She told me. Her voice is soft and it seems pained. A wave of panic crashed upon me. Why are we both ill!

Ya Allah! What happened to little?

I borrowed a lot of courage and ignored my own condition. I took the car keys and placed my phone in my pocket. Then I carried her to the car. I put her at the back seat so she can lie there comfortably and then went to close the house. All of these was done in quick succession because all I wanted was to see us safely in a hospital where a doctor can tell me she is going to be fine!

I entered the car and drove her to a private clinic. As soon as the doctors saw me, Amal was placed on a stretcher and soon, wheeled away into the emergency room! I gazed upon my hand, wondering what the blood was all about. Wait. Blood. Amal?

I looked around frantically until I saw a nurse.

"Don Allah. Call Dr Rasheeda for me. I beg you" I pleaded.

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