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Chapter nine



I saw how angry Marka was and I felt an uncontrollable joy because her anger always hid her fear. She would lash out when she is panicking and now isn't any different.

Seeing how she treats Amal every single day makes me so angry. But when I remember where her own daughters were, it gives me peace.

She believes her daughters are living in luxury! While my daughter is wasting away in a small village turned town. Ha! The day she knows the truth, hopefully, she would finally fear me.

It worries me that she connived with some really scary characters to chase Anti away as well as have Amal under her thumb.

I still don't get the details but I am most certain this cannot be her plan. If it is up to Marka, Amal would not live. Because she knows that as long as she lives, she would always face the threat of seeing the one girl she hates with all her heart live in happiness with an important man like Saif Alkali!

If it was up to the Marka that I know, Amal will not see the light of day ever again because she would prefer her gone than see her everyday. I think it's the frustration of seeing her every day that makes her lash out at her most times. At nineteen, my daughter has grown to be such a gentle lady. You can see the serene aura she exudes that tells of her nobility and character. No matter what she does, Amal never ever changes inwardly. Her heart is forever pure, free of hatred and frustrations. I admire how she takes a day as it comes, never looking back and wallowing in despair. No matter how hard she has it, she still has enough room in her heart to love someone else!

She makes me proud. Because I'm not like that. I'm very vengeful and I don't forgive easily. Even knowing how detrimental it is to me, I still can't forgive my own mother! But Amal raised her enemy's children when I, as their father could not bare to do so!

She reminds me of Suheerah, her mother.

There is one thing that was very clear to me. Aside from the Earl's wife, whom I'm sure is in cahoots with her, Marka never ever let's Amal go anywhere. Whenever she goes out, it's because she's punishing her for something, knowing she doesn't know anyone in town. And she gets anxious for her to come back because whenever she takes too long, she becomes apprehensive, like she was afraid of something, rather than what could've happened to my daughter.

This is why I practically begged Nasir to sleep over at my house. I can't name the relationship between us but we don't actually see eye to eye on most things. I used to think it was because of Amal. But even now that she's not in his memory, it's the same old story. But I was still civil to him despite his ridiculous demands as my guest.

I have an ulterior motive after all.

I wanted him to meet with Amal and I want to see what will happen if he does. Cox, I want to help her. But I don't know how. I am not talkative by nature but it still feels as if I can't talk about it. I can't talk to her about the past and I can't talk to Saif about his own wife! Like my mouth has been effectively sealed!

I suspect Marka!

So I didn't let her know it was Saif who was sleeping over in our house. Because I know she would send Amal over to serve him food if she doesn't know. My calculations were right. After all, mathematics is what I'm best at.

I am pleased to note that even though he doesn't remember anything, he seems to be taking a new liking to my daughter. Good! He passed the test. Now that he knows where she is, I'm hoping he will do his best to pursue her again. Those who separated them will be forced to show themselves!

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