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Chapter three

***His lady maid***


"What's your decision?" Uncle Dee asked.

I looked around the room, taking in their old grim faces and I can't help but cringe at the absolute reprimand in their stance.

So apparently, they are tired of my unmarried state and they are demanding that I either bring back my wives or I marry into a royal family so I can beget another pure heir. One that would go through this torture of a life that I am going through.

"You can do whatever you like. I am not marrying again. Should Pretty or Maree wish to stay with me one more time, be sure to tell them you brought them back and no one should expect anything from me!" I replied.

"How dare you! We are all elders here!" The old man Sani exclaimed.

"That was a bit rude. Apologize at once!" Old man Tariq added angrily.

"Saif, apologize!" Uncle Dee was quick to tell me.

"I will not apologize for saying the truth!" Saif snapped temporarily silencing them all. "I will not apologize because that would mean I don't mean the words I spoke and I don't speak twice" I retorted. Before they erupted into a frenzy, I quickly stood up. "Good day to you, my elders! I'll take my leave!" I told them which seemed really rude since I just dismissed them!

The moment I walked out of the room, I heaved a sigh. I know why they are doing this. It's because of Maree. Her father originated from the House of Kassim. And they have set their eyes on my position. They want the slice of the cake so they are busy sucking up to the Alkalis to get what they want!

But whatever! They can come back. I will not be held responsible is they get really hurt. I refuse to feel sorry for them any longer. I tried my best to see that they had a better life than they would have with me but they are so stubborn.

It is practically a known fact now that if the current Badree kicks the bucket, I will be Emir and when I become Emir, my days will be numbered. People are now worried about the woman I bring in as my wife! Because she might be the future queen!

Should I have a son, he will be officially heir.

I don't care. Let them do whatever they like.

In my heart there is just one queen and thank God, she still rules!


Guess who I met on the plane? Shaheedah! It was pure bad luck agreeing to fly in first class. Uncle Farouq said its my only option if I wanted to go today. But look! Shaheedah is also flying in first class!

When I saw her, she didn't see me. I didn't know where to hide or how to keep myself away from exposing myself. But then I thought, she can help me can't she?

The moment she turned and our eyes met, she froze. She almost screamed when she saw me but then she put her hands on her mouth to stop herself. There was horror written all over her face. I looked away, wondering what I am supposed to say to her. Hi?

"A..Amal?" She stammered shockingly.

I sighed, looking back at her. Then I nodded curtly, keeping quiet, afraid she will really shout if I said anything.

"You are alive!" She exclaimed.

I nodded once again looking away once more. I just couldn't stare at her shocked face. Sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be dead!

"" She stammered.

I remained silent, waiting for her to collect herself. When she did, she said "where were you?!"

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