Chapter 27

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I want to thank Jamila Naseer for her enthusiastic support! Jazakillah sister! Lots of love😘

**dredging history**

Raome, Capital of Maicki.

It was a reasonably cloudy Monday. Workers have long since attended to their duties, children safely shepherded in their schools of learning and the idle were still asleep.

The Minister for information and culture, Wally Bami, addressed the press. He stood grimly, his pose erect as he delivered the shocking news, confirming that the Emir of Maicki, has in fact, truly died.

"...death is a sudden peril. But I assure you, that his highness, the late Emir of Maicki died of natural causes..."

The news traveled fast. Everybody is talking about it. But along with the news of death, tension was brewing behind the screen. People are wondering why the Emirs never last on the throne. Whether it is at all possible that they all die of natural causes.

Then a rumor started to spread. The veiled rumor only served to churn the tension in the hearts of the masses.

In Maicki, there are only two tribes. The Thiltes and the Takhi people.

The Alkali house are the most prestigious of the Thilte faction. They were the founding families of Maicki since the day they played the most important role in redeeming freedom for Maicki. They were responsible for getting independence from the English and were crowned the first rulers of Maicki.

The Maicki kingdom values their traditions and cultures. So even though they were colonized by the English, they still held unto the thread of their forefathers.

Kingdom above all else.

So they refused to have a president. They consented to a Prime minister who first ruled Maicki under the thumb of the English. Later, Maicki reformed their laws and degraded the Prime minister's standing so he will also answer to the Emir of Maicki.

The Alkalis came up on top.

The first prime minister was a Takhi and ultimately, where there are winners, there are also losers. Whatever raises someone up will bring another person down.

The Takhi people were not happy and the first civil war ensued. Thankfully, the Alkalis ruled with a military precision. Their iron will curtailed the loss of stability quickly preventing mayhem in extremity. The first ruler of Maicki, his highness, late Ma'aruf Alkali, created a law then in order to be fair to the Takhi people and therefore ensure peace.

The Takhi can rule should the cabinet, consisting of half Thilte and half Takhi, choose a true heir from the Their faction as the best possible candidate for the position of Emir.

The dust abated, the Takhi finally took control after Ma'aruf Alkali kicked the bucket twenty years later.

But the first Takhi, Hadi Asad Badree, met with bad luck after bad luck. The economy deteriorated fast and the people could not take it any longer. The second civil war almost took place until Shams Alkali took back control from the Badrees.

It's a long history of ping pong as the rulers kept changing. The house of Henry Agatum got to have a ruler until the house of Maikelson Boomi took over control...

Maicki is not a very peaceful country. The Thilte and the Takhi people never get along for long periods.

Finally, eighty years prior, Hannafi Alkali was crowned the Emir. That was Saif's great great great grandfather. The entire problem started then...

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