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Chapter thirteen



Mommy Haseeyah gave me a frustrated look.

"Mrithi dear, you need to go" she begged.

I tapped at the desk impatiently. It didn't seem like I heard her.

"Please you have to go!" She repeated urgently.

I looked up slowly, my gaze dark and foreboding. Mommy Haseeyah was taken aback from the quick widening of her eyes. I looked away. Then I stood up and turned my back to her as I gazed upon the view from my window.

It didn't look like I would talk. When I'm sure she's beyond frustrated, I said calmly. "It's pointless now. I'm not going anymore" I told her dismissively.

Mommy Haseeyah looked like she was about to explode! She stood up gingerly and left with a brooding look on her face. My eyes narrowed instinctively. She dared to touch Minaa!

Sultana! Just who the hell do you think you are?!

I was fuming mad inside! If I didn't Assign Mr Flynn to her protection this evening, I don't want to think about what could've happened!

I can't believe she wanted her dead! How she know my connection to her will remain a mystery. But By Allah I will teach her a lesson!

I picked up the phone and called upon my favorite grandmother in the Alkali household and when she answered, she said "she's okay Mrithi! But.."

I cut her off by saying. "Don't Mwenye. Minaa is worthy. You would help me, won't you?" I asked in a pleading way.

Actually, in a way, Sultana did me a favor. If she didn't try to hurt Minaa, I wouldn't have found a reason to latch unto Mwenye. But as soon as it happened, I knew Minaa needed help. She could never fit in without some serious guidance. And I don't want her to fail.

If she fails, I'm dead for sure...

I heard her sigh. "Will you give your word?" She asked with a hard note in her voice.

"I promise you Mwenye. You have my word!" I promised.

She didn't need any more words from me. She said "then count on your Mwenye. Next time you meet Minaa, you will be effectively shocked" she promised.

A smile bloomed on my face before I could control it. I said "promise you will bring her back before the cleansing" I begged.

"We will definitely be back" she promised.

Satisfied, I said "Mwenye, you can ask me anything and I would fulfil your wish if I could" I promised her.

"I don't need anything from you. You are my blood and that's enough for me" she told me in her no none sense tone of voice.

I smiled a second time. "You are the first since Iya to give me something so important very freely. You remind me of her" I told her and somehow she knew it's the highest of honors and she made satisfactory noise. "Stop speaking none sense" she negated her reaction with her words and then she cut the line.

I sighed. At least I won't worry about her getting hurt.

I look forward to seeing her in two weeks.

At large

It didn't take long for the reporters to link the girl Sultana was picking on with the young Sir Saif's wife who passed away in a bombing case with his grandmother. Suddenly, there was news even bigger than the ongoing party!

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