Chapter 31

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'Traitor without a face'

Raome, Maicki


Maicki was beyond my expectations. Just like any other African country, it has its setbacks especially because they too are still developing. I wouldn't have known that if Sultana did not take me sightseeing. In a teasing note, she said I haven't been to Maicki if I didn't see the famous Oceans lane. I didn't understand why it was so funny. But I totally did when she took me there. She stopped the car near a tattered looking bridge. Then she told me come see something. We went to peep at the water that was supposed to be running under the bridge but instead of a normal flow, all I saw was a large gutter. I was shocked at how big it was. It was so dirty and disgusting.

"This is like our special Nile River!" Sultana smiled.

"Subhanallah! Why is it so unkempt? Are you even sure this bridge is safe?" I asked skeptically. I looked around me and feared for my life.

Sultana laughed. "Of course!" She assured. She pointed at the area beyond the bridge and said "there is oceans lane. It's the mocking name awarded to this notorious area. Anyone who is a beggar, thief, or criminal resides in there. When you walk on their streets, it's like you just went to Pama! The government is doing its best anyway. It used to be better when the Alkalis were in power. It's like Maicki only needs an iron hand. Like a stern mother not afraid to offend her child just to make it better. But you see, the Badrees are the North-eastern rulers, the royalty of the Takhis. They are just, they rule with this diplomatic edge that doesn't work. Grenys is always at war. Pama is getting worse everyday. Rocky heights is suffering severely. Poverty is rising...the list is endless" she sighed.

"It might not seem like it, but we will soon be bathed in blood if we aren't careful. The south-western Thilte's are not going to sit back and watch...." She trailed. Then an embarrassed smile crossed her face. "Sorry, I'm getting carried away. I'm just shocked that Sir Saif failed the elections. I mean, it was practically given to him on a silver platter" she shrugged.

"I don't know why either. But Saif has always loved to be boss. If he failed, then it's because he failed" I replied. But that's not technically true. Saif is not the power hungry type. Yes, he loves to be boss. But I can see why a throne is not attractive too him. He loves to travel. And he also loves his job. He has this look of triumph each time he sold a deal. He was always happy when he is rich. But I guess the lifestyle is what killed the mood. He would hate to be confined to extreme rules and regulations.

He would feel trapped.

"You are silent" sultana observed.

I smiled a little. "It's nothing" I replied. So we drove around town a bit. Sultana insisted on paying for all the things we bought that day. She dropped me at home before maghroub.

"Don't forget the tea party tomorrow. Princess Salima will be expecting you!" She reminded me. I nodded before going back inside the true ALkali house.

It's a three story building that has a medieval air to it. Somehow, it looks like a castle but on another angle, it just looks old. But you can literally feel it exude a kind of a commanding aura which defines it's dominance. It is beyond powerful. I feel my heart beat fast each time I see it.

Papa brought me here and then introduced me as Saif's wife. Everyone was nice to me. But I can feel the double meaning behind every word they speak to me. It feels as if they were testing me. I just stayed in my room when I'm home. I chat with friends and family. But most of the time, I just go out with the new friends that I made.

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