Chapter 25

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**leaving Paris**

"Ju, tell me why you failed maths" Amal is using a very stern voice to talk to her second youngest sister. Seriously, she could blend in the military with that tone. I smiled to myself, loving the feel of her voice in my ears. Like a calming melody.

"Zahra, stop interrupting me!" She snapped. "Look. I'll be back in two days. You guys should try and be nice until then. And Ju, learn your times table. Don't let me come home without you mastering them you hear?" Then she paused, making a face as she listened to the other end. "Salma! Do you want me to forget your 'tsaraba'?" She exclaimed. Then she smiled just a little bit. "Alright Anisa, take care of them for me okay? Say hi to Anti bye" she quickly touched the end icon.

When she looked up to peer at me, she has a type of controlled look on her face. "Sweetheart called" she stated blandly giving me the phone. When I checked it, I saw that it's Pretty's number. I just saved her number as PT and she always hated it. I didn't know she changed the name on her own.

I called Pretty hoping she's fine.

"Slm alaika" she greeted from the other end.

I answered in my mind but I didn't say anything out loud. I waited to hear what she will say.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked. I let her answer that on her own.

"Please talk to me. I know I've wronged you but can't I apologize?" She asked pleadingly. I still just listened, waiting to hear her say what the matter was.

Pretty started crying. I remember the doctor saying that worrying might affect the baby. So I thought maybe I'll give an inch.

"Is the baby ok?" I asked.

"Yes" she sniffed.

"Say hi to my baby" I told her. Then I touched the end icon and threw the phone on the couch. I just don't get why she did what she did. What was embarrassing me going to achieve for her? Was it worth it to humiliate Amal?

I didn't really call any of them since we left. I think that Maree is still livid I decided to go on the honeymoon. She must be stewing in anger and wallowing in frustration by now. I can feel the jealousy thickening around her when I said goodbye. She looks hurt and anguished. I knew there was nothing I can do to remove it. If I opted for the way most good men in my situation do, I'll probably spend the rest of my days begging her to understand, consoling her wounded heart.. I just don't feel I need that complication in my life right now. I don't have that inclination to beg anyone. I don't feel I need to console anyone.


I gave them each a choice when they agreed to marry me. They both chose their paths with their own hands. If they can't make peace with it, I can't make them. At least when I made peace with marrying them both, I accepted fate.

I raised my eyes to look at Amal. But she was nowhere to be found. Surprised, I went to check the room just to see if she was alright.

She has her head on her lap looking forlorn and confused. I didn't get it. We were fine a few minutes ago and she even felt at ease enough to ask me for my phone.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She raised her head to give me a look. Her face quickly cleared of all emotions and she attempted a smile. "I'm fine. What is it?" She asked as if she was surprised I was asking.

I went to sit next to her. She didn't see it coming when I dragged her to rest her head on my lap. She was now lying on her back, her eyes boring into mine. For the first time, I moved my fingers through her hair and felt the silky texture. Maree has long hair but it is kind of thin. Whenever she relaxes it, it grows even thinner and when you caress it, it feels kind of like you are caressing her bare head. I thought it to be normal. That if they had to do the relaxing and it looks easy on the eyes, it doesn't matter how it felt.

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