Slaying the Celestial Warrior

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As practitioners flee left and right in fear of the celestial warrior that's wielding the mountain sized hammer Yao Xieshen soars through the skies as a dark raven.

The Legacy Disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect and a few others are all glaring at Yao Xieshen as they did their best to keep a set amount of distance.

These practitioners have chosen to stay as they are confident of being able to defeat Yao Xieshen that they see as a common enemy or future rival.

"It's about time..."

Transforming back into human form Yao Xieshen sees that only around a hundred or so people have chosen to stay.

This number is easier to deal with as Yao Xieshen eyes the celestial warrior. He didn't bother to summon out Emperor Du Lou or Lieyan Bao Long because-

"This is my Tribulation and I will succeed to take another step closer to reaching immortality!!!"

Clenching his fists Yao Xieshen unleashes his full cultivation base that's now at the 60th level of Qi Condensation after his months of absorbing demonic energy!

*Wraaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!!* charging at the celestial warrior Yao Xieshen surrounds himself with over 30,000 ghosts that howls with rage!

Approaching the giant face of the celestial warrior Yao Xieshen punches it with his full strength!

*Rawr!!!* a massive ghostly skull roars as it headbutts the face of the celestial warrior!

Raising a fist to strike the celestial warrior punches back and shatters the skull in one hit!

"True Shadow Body!"

Quickly Yao Xieshen summons out the True Shadow Body with an incantation gesture and takes flight together.

*SQUAAAAAWK!!!!!!!* Yao Xieshen and his True Shadow Body takes on the form of dark ravens that swoop down from above towards the celestial warrior!

*Rawr!!!* with a beast like roar the celestial warrior raises its hammer and swings to which the two dark ravens lash out with their talons!

*Crackle!!* as demonic energy and magic energy collide rapid flashes of lightning goes off!

"Either he dies in his own Tribulation or he dies in my hands."

Sheng Wang Yi glares coldly towards Ye Gui Feng with anticipation of his breakthrough.

Mostly every person here is thinking of Ye Gui Feng dying under his own Tribulation due to the unnaturalness of this celestial warrior that is seemingly hellbent on destroying him.


Long Huangrong standing in the far distance looks to the celestial warrior and the two dark ravens.

"Huangrong it's time to go."

A robed figure stands behind Long Huangrong. This person is an elder of the Lan family who has been sent here to escort her back.

"Elder what are the chances of someone passing a Tribulation like this?"

The elder looks to the far distance with the red celestial warrior with a sigh.

"I have never seen anything like this before but the chances of success are what you might expect."

Long Huangrong gives a bitter look before she turns away from the sight.

"You must succeed."

As the hammer meets the talons of the two dark ravens Yao Xieshen roars as his two wings unfold.

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