A Story of Betrayal and Abandonment

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"It really is Lu-yeye!"

"I can't believe I'd see him in person one day!"

A massive amount of people gathered. Judging by some of their appearances they clearly had dropped whatever it is that they had been doing and rushed.

The elders and patriarchs had all come as well and each of them respectfully greeted Ye Gui Feng under the guise of Lu-yeye.

From within the crowd Ye Gui Feng can also see Long Huangrong, Feng Jian Yun, and Li Shuiling. The look of brightness within the two girls' eyes are clear signs of them witnessing the presence of a person that they admire causing Ye Gui Feng to feel slightly strange beneath his helmet.

From the looks of it almost every single person within the Heavenly Demon Sect has appeared regardless of their status or cultivation base. As for those that didn't show up they are most likely watching this through a jade slip or using their divine senses to inspect the scene.

"Alright enough with the greetings. Today I have come to tell a story in the hopes of making some cash to travel further along my journey. But that is only half of the reason. The other half is that I believe the world has a needs to know about a certain matter."

A few seems to have already prepared their cash beforehand as they begin to make a collective pile of spirit stones in front of Ye Gui Feng much to his happiness.

(Wow so this is what it means to be super popular? People just throw cash at you and you can walk down the streets like you own it all...)

Ye Gui Feng clears his throat and takes out a plain white scroll that floats off of his palm. The story that he is going to tell will most likely not be anything pleasant for the sect to hear.

But Ye Gui Feng never the less wanted people to know the truth of a certain matter despite how selfish it might seem to others.

"I wonder what the story will be this time."

"It's said that he never tells the same story twice."

"Being able to hear a unique story from a true noble of a powerful demonic family is surely a rare chance."

"Actually I kind of want to hear where he's been all these years..."

"For someone of the Yao family to wander around like this is quite... Different from what I would imagine."

Unrolling the scroll in his hands Ye Gui Feng begins to introduce the story.

"I'm pretty sure all of you must have heard of Yao Xieshen from 20 years ago have you not?"

"The legendary Yao family clansmen who fell many Transcendence realm practitioners at the Core Formation realm?"

"I always did wonder why so little is recorded of that battle... Despite it sounding quite major."

Judging by looks of these sect disciples the Yao family had censored quite a bit of information.

"The matters of the history books can be rather exaggerated or not as glorious as one might think. The story of Yao Xieshen and his father is that of betrayal and abandonment."




"The matters that I shall tell you all today can be quite heavy. But I believe the world has a right to know."

The scroll in Ye Gui Feng's hand moves onto the next image that depicts of a man holding a woman's hand.

"First let us talk about Yao Nie Tian's origins. Yao Xieshen's father Yao Nie Tian had been born between Yao Rong Hun and Chi Yu Feng."

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