No Matter What World One Is in Worries Always Exist

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Walking through the territories of the Blue River Sect Ye Gui Feng follows the river streams. He is supposed to continue following this stream of water to make it out of the territory.

The grounds here are made up of uneven rock beddings. It made walking quite uncomfortable as one's ankles would continuously bend to cope with the uneven ground.

As Ye Gui Feng is still in the territories of the Blue River Sect he didn't dare to take out Xiao Ju Hong.

Considering the place Ye Gui Feng doubts that there will be any demonic cultivators around. Although that isn't to say that there won't be any demonic cultivators lurking around in the shadows.

Any demonic cultivator can enter the domain of the Blue River Sect or any righteous sect for that matter so long as they states their visiting reasons and is given a thorough checkup of past deeds.

After that they can enter by paying a hefty sum of spirit stones. But the price and the harassments that one will receive for entering the cities of an opposite side are generally not worth it unless they have an extremely important reason for visiting.

A single offense on Ye Gui Feng's side will cause everyone to point their swords his way. But so long as he remains low key without emitting any kind of demonic energy he shouldn't be detected.

Not knowing just how far along the Heavenly Pillar Sect has come in their plans for invasions Ye Gui Feng wanted to return back to the Burial Grounds Sect as soon as possible.

But the way back to the Burial Grounds Sect will probably take at least a week.

Although there are higher chances of it taking even longer as Ye Gui Feng has no clue as to how far the territories of the Blue River Sect is from the Burial Grounds Sect.

Adding onto the fact that Ye Gui Feng has almost no knowledge of what direction to go in he is almost bound to take more than a week. However he wasn't too worried.

"Once I reach around 10,000 kilometers of the sect I should be able to use the jade slip to send a message. Maybe then I can have someone to come and pick me up."

Ye Gui Feng could barely wait as he hurries along. Within the domains of the Blue River Sect he would have to watch out for the local disciples.

While outside of that territory Ye Gui Feng must keep an open eye out for demonic cultivators of the other three demonic sects.

This makes it quite a headache to think about but once Ye Gui Feng is outside of the Blue River Sect's territory he should be able rely on Xiao Ju Hong to protect him.

"*Sigh* I can't keep relying on Xiao Ju Hong. With her around I will eventually have to face those from the Yao family..."

The Yao family were so above all others in the cultivation world and it makes it impossible for Ye Gui Feng to think about how powerful they actually are.

The lich from within the Nine Dragons' Vault had said that amongst all the demonic clans and sects the Yao family is considered one of the four major giants. Even an ancient immortal must show them complete and utter respect.

This means that the Yao family must be a pinnacle level existence that has been around since the near beginning of time.

The difficulties in something or someone lasting for that long is unimaginable. It is only by continued existence that a sect or family will continuously grow and strengthen themselves.

Once something has existed for that long they are more and more rooted in place making it extremely difficult for them to be wiped out. It is very much similar to attempting to pull an entire tree out of the earth.

The roots of that tree would be so deep underground that it would be very difficult to pull it out completely.


The body that the red chrysanthemum had taken over, considering this body's cultivation base and their abilities from when they had been alive Ye Gui Feng speculates that this Yao family clansman must have been someone of very high status.

This only continues to make Ye Gui Feng bewildered. If they were someone of such high status how did they ended up dead out in the middle of nowhere?

"*Sigh* the world of cultivation is a road filled with bloodshed... This looks like one of those kinds of plots where a family member got envious and decided to take her out of the picture."

It's uncommon for such events to happen in the world of the 21st century but it wasn't entirely impossible either.

A modern day example is more likely to occur in a wealthy family where one child wants the full inheritance and decides to kill off the rest of their siblings.

Thinking about the Yao family alone Ye Gui Feng feels like he had a lot more on his mind. But despite the many worries that he can have the worries of wanting to return back to the 21st century still doesn't come to him.

This also bothers Ye Gui Feng... Does he really not feel a desire to return to the 21st century or is it that these desires are simply sealed away by some kind of outside force?

"Well that person said they'd call me if anything comes up. Hopefully I can find out soon on why people like me are brought here."

Continuing to move along the sun is soon replaced by the moon. Living in the Burial Grounds Sect Ye Gui Feng hardly ever got to see the sun and moon.

Lately there's been a few more occasions to do so. To spend time outside of the sect is considered a rarity to the current Ye Gui Feng.

"I wonder how many years had gone by after I went to the Burial Grounds Sect..."

Ye Gui Feng had decided to make camp by the river. It was uncomfortable sitting on the rock beddings so he had to clear out a bit of space.

Roasting by the side of the fire is fish on a skewer.

"If I had a Jiangshi that can fly I can make it back to the sect quicker..."

It was quite unfortunate that only those in the Foundation Establishment realms are capable of flight.

Although Ye Gui Feng's current cultivation is equivalent to a Foundation Establishment realm practitioner that doesn't mean that his body is built the same way.

Foundation Establishment realm practitioners all have a higher level of connection to the forces of heaven and earth and it only continues to grow until the Transcendence realm.

At the point of the Transcendence realm one's body is very much similar to a spirit and this will allow a practitioner to have a chance at true immortality.

But Ye Gui Feng's path of cultivation is different from others. He is going for the 100th level of Qi Condensation and then charging straight into immortality as a Heavenly Demon.

As a demonic cultivator Ye Gui Feng's connection to the heavens is meant to be low. It was because of Ye Gui Feng's lack of talent in standard cultivation methods that allows him to have a better sense of connecting to the forces of the earth, Hell itself and thus acquire a body that is similar to a demon.

As he is generally cut off from the magic forces of heaven Ye Gui Feng is very different from other practitioners.

Even those in the Burial Grounds Sect that are in the higher levels of the Qi Condensation realm are capable of flight with a flying sword in hand. Unlike Ye Gui Feng they would never go down the path of a full demonic cultivator.


It all sounds quite far to Ye Gui Feng as he doesn't even know if he'll be alive then. It should be noted that his lifespan is nowhere near as high as someone in the Foundation Establishment realm.

"*Yawn* no matter what world one is in worries always exist."

Taking out some magic treasures that are meant for protection against sudden attacks Ye Gui Feng decides to sleep.

Naturally Ye Gui Feng knew to sleep lightly in this sort of environment in case someone does decide to attack.

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