You, Your Sister!

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Fortunately the night passes by without any incidents as Ye Gui Feng wakes up the next morning and quickly continues on his way back to the Burial Grounds Sect.

It was sometime in the afternoon when Ye Gui Feng had made it out of the Blue River Sect's territory.

Continuing along Ye Gui Feng distances himself away from Chang Men by around 350 miles.

Taking a good look around his surroundings Ye Gui Feng patiently checks all the trees and grass before heaving a sigh of relief.

It was only then that Ye Gui Feng takes out Xiao Ju Hong and readily hugs onto it while rubbing its cheeks with his.

The familiar scent that comes from the red chrysanthemum and the cold flesh of the Jiangshi brings Ye Gui Feng the same familiar comfort.

"Ah Xiao Ju Hong how I miss you."

Basking in the sense of comfort and security that Xiao Ju Hong brings to him Ye Gui Feng continues to embrace the Jiangshi for a minute longer before continuing onwards in the direction of the Burial Grounds Sect.

"If nothing happens in my trip I should make it back soon."

Day one outside of the domains of the Blue River Sect went by considerably smooth. Nothing unfortunate happened but day two is completely different.

It was not due to practitioners but rather the wild beasts. Although they didn't dare to attack with Xiao Ju Hong nearby it is never the less discomforting.

All of these beasts are at least at the seventh level of Qi Condensation and the stronger ones are at early Foundation Establishment realms.

It's said that if one goes further into the forest they can expect themselves to run into even Core Formation realm beasts. The thought is frightening but those beasts don't show up outside of the inner forest.

So long as they didn't attack him Ye Gui Feng won't provoke them. He merely wanted to make it back to the Burial Grounds Sect without any incidents.


Hearing the sudden cry for help Ye Gui Feng halts in his steps. The voice sounds like a girl.

"Is this supposed to be one of the cliché heroics where the main character jumps in to save a damsel in distress?"

Ye Gui Feng knew that if does step in there will be trouble involved. But could he really just leave a life to die?

Gritting his teeth Ye Gui Feng stores away Xiao Ju Hong and heads towards the source of the voice.

For the time being Ye Gui Feng decides to at least see what the situation is before doing anything else.

"Hehehe no will save you now."

"Let's have some fun."

Crouched low and hiding behind a bush Ye Gui Feng peeks out to see a white robed girl surrounded by three thugs.


Ye Gui Feng blinks his eyes. This situation is often seen in an RPG. At this moment the main character should arrive to the rescue.

(Ah this is fine. The main character will show up any minute now. No need for me to make a move.)

But as a few moments pass the main character didn't show up.

Instead something that went outside of Ye Gui Feng's expectations had occurred.

The girl that should have been a damsel in distress suddenly flashed with cold eyes. From the sleeves of her robes she takes out knife and performed six speedy cuts.

Blood comes out of the three thugs' necks. Their heads flew up into the air and a puddle of blood had come out from the region between their legs.

Seeing this sight Ye Gui Feng suddenly presses his legs together with his jaws loose. A chill crawls up his spine making him shiver.

(Th-This... Why are the chicks in this world so messed up!? All of them are so violent!)

The girl in the white robes brushes off the blood on her knife and stores it away.

"Hēng lài há má xiǎng chī tiān'é ròu. (哼癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。Translation: Hmph a toad wants to eat the meat of a swan.)"

"Hahaha big sis good skills."

"Let's see what's in their storage bags."

Two other girls come out of hiding. All three of them wore the same white robes. All of them looked identical, a sign of them being triplets.

(Th-They are actually the thugs?)

This wasn't something that Ye Gui Feng is used to see so he is more dumbfound than ever as he sees the three girls each picking up a storage bag. They quickly went through it before clicking their tongues.


"And they actually dare to dress up as forest thugs?"


(Dammit. I need to get out of here. Why did my curiosity get the better of me? I-I don't want to lose my family jewels.)

*Crack!* as Ye Gui Feng begins to back off his foot he accidently steps onto a dried branch.


All three of the girls turn a vicious glare towards Ye Gui Feng. As soon as they saw him each of their vicious expressions changed into a face of slight surprise.

But just as it would seem like a chase scene will happen a flying sword stabs into the ground between Ye Gui Feng and the three girls.

From up above the sky a figure in an orange set of robes descend. Their hair is done in a tail with an ornament attached. Judging by their clothes they are a disciple of the Heretic Sword Sect 

"Hmph you three raccoons. I've hunted you for weeks. It's time to die for the sake of my promotion!"

The person doesn't bat an eye towards Ye Gui Feng as they pick up the flying sword and directs it at the three girls.

The practitioner's cultivation base rotates with strength that is comparable to the peak of the Foundation Establishment realm. The three girls all had early stage Foundation Establishment realm cultivations. This greatly puts them at a disadvantage.

"Fellow Daoist good luck to you and I hope you manage to kill these three vixens."

Without paying any more attention to this Ye Gui Feng turns the other way to escape before he himself is caught up in this mess.

It was then that one of the three girls seemed to have thought of something as they smirked sinisterly.

"Wait lord help us kill this bastard!"

Ye Gui Feng nearly stumbles upon hearing this cry for help. The cultivator furrows his eyebrows and turns to look at Ye Gui Feng who had been trying to make a run for it.

(Dammit she's actually trying to get me involved? What lord? I'm not the lord of anyone!)

Ye Gui Feng turns the other way and flicks his sleeves.

"Evildoer who are you calling lord? I'm just a traveler."

Right now Ye Gui Feng is inwardly cursing at himself for dressing so nicely. Who would buy this story of him being a traveler?

"There's no mistaking it you're our lord!"

"This servant humbly beseeches you to kill this man!"

The other two girls joined in on this scheme as they played along.

Ye Gui Feng felt like ripping his own hair out. One of them had already given him a bow that states their inferiority. They were purposefully trying to drag him into this mess and are most likely planning to use him as a scapegoat.


The eyes of the practitioner only continue to turn more and more suspicious. They seem to be trying to recall something or someone.

"You, your sister!"

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