Destined Ties to Fortune

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"I'll be honest with you. We, the Garden of the Fallen Gods are a group that specializes in the elimination of people like you."

The short figure approaches Ye Gui Feng who is pinned to the ground.

"And what exactly do you want from people like me?"

"Simple really. Whose side are you on? Them or ours?"


"It's a simple question."

"And if I say them?"

"Off with your head."

It was the obvious answer as the person gives a short reply.

"And if I say yours?"

"Then... Ah it will still depend if you can be trusted or not. Regardless you can expect things to go south in the next... Who knows how many years down the line if the other worlds do choose to inevitably fight."


Ye Gui Feng has no clue as to how many other worlds there are outside of this one but the thought of an infinite number of branch worlds existing makes it far too scary to even think about it when war is considered.

"The reason for meeting today is merely to assess who's side you're on. Our world in the eyes of the other worlds is considered to be an enemy world. These other worlds desire one of two things, to take it over or destroy it. Of course we'll fight back when that time comes."

Ye Gui Feng doesn't say a word as he continues to lay on the ground. His head is a complete mess as he mulls over this topic and thought about this question of which side he is on.

To Ye Gui Feng it really just boils down to which world is more important to him. Was it the one that he had come from or is it this one that he is currently living in right now?

A few minutes pass as Ye Gui Feng tries to come to a conclusion about this question.

Within his head Ye Gui Feng thought about all the people that he had met within this world and the links that he has made with these people.

Thinking of this the thought of his former world all feels so foreign and far to Ye Gui Feng. Was this feeling of not thinking too much about his former world something that someone out there had configured him to do in the hopes of making him loyal to this world?

In that case are all the bonds and the people that Ye Gui Feng had met in this world merely there to make him feel more attached to this world. Was all of his emotions towards them fake?

Ye Gui Feng's thoughts turn to his father and Xiao Ju Hong.

(No... It's not fake!)

Inwardly shaking his head Ye Gui Feng makes his decision.

"It's not fake. All the things that I've experienced here in this world is real. So..."

Ye Gui Feng grits his teeth as he tries to form the words within his head but they won't come out. He refuses to believe that his current emotions towards the people that he knows of in this world are fake but he is hesitant to say for certain.

"Then can I take that as your answer?"

The present is far more important at this time than the distant past, rather that is how it should be but...

Without giving a proper rely Ye Gui Feng nods lightly while maintaining an expression of uncertainty.

The two guards release Ye Gui Feng and allows him to stand back up.

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