Ancient Mural

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"Dammit! How is it possible that this Ye Gui Feng is this powerful!?"

"Isn't he merely at the Nascent Soul realm!?"

"Those weasels that he had with him managed to wound Soul Separation realm practitioners so easily..."

"The Jiangshis as well..."

"This person is not to be provoked..."

After seeing what had just happened most of these practitioners become hesitant on trying to make a move on Ye Gui Feng. The unpredictable nature of his methods is far too dangerous.


"Ah safe..."

Emerging to stand in the place that those outside wishes to enter at all costs Ye Gui Feng sighs with relief.

[Lord I never expected you to be this powerful.]

Yin Lang raises a praise but within those eyes shrewdness can be seen to which Ye Gui Feng smiles awkwardly.

"Heh no need to be an ass kisser. I've dealt with plenty of old foxes in the outside world."

Yin Lang makes an awkward look like a child that's been caught red-handed.

"Right you all can have these."

Ye Gui Feng tosses out ten Scented Devil Ladies. He never really knew why these are capable of attracting beasts outside of their scent.

A large number of demonic weasels' eyes flashed as they even beat their fellow clansmen for the plant. It got to the point of the older weasels having to interfere.

The higher cultivation weasels snapped the plants at the roots and took out the seeds. Each clansman got a few.

"So that's why?"

[Heh don't underestimate the taste of these seeds. To us beast they taste like the finest grub that you humans can hope to afford.]

Ye Gui Feng chuckles and moves on. This is a dark hall that's illuminated by pale blue ghost lamps.

"I feel like this is the kind of place for some old ghosts to pop out..."

[Well that's certainly possible...]

Moving further along the room Ye Gui Feng eventually finds a massive opened area. The only thing in the place is a long bridge that takes him to the front of a strange pedestal.

"What the hell? This would place would look better without that pedestal. Why couldn't they put some kind of legendary weapon there instead?"

Never the less Ye Gui Feng walks to the pedestal that reaches up to the height of his waist. Resting on it is an engraved set of ancient text.


Perhaps the pedestal itself isn't what's important as Ye Gui Feng looks forward. A giant mural is there.

"What's this?"

The mural is separated into several different parts with the first part depicting a figure. This figure has a ring like relic behind their back.

Beneath that first part is an army of people raising arms against the first figure. Standing at the center of these people is a single person.

Upon closer inspection there wasn't just people. There are even other species amongst the humans.

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