Testing Out Theories

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Emerging from the first trial grounds into the second Ye Gui Feng's name finally shows up on the leaderboards.

Ye Gui Feng, ???, rank 27,323, trial two.

The name didn't catch too many people's eyes but some did wonder why the cultivation base is displayed with three question marks.

Standing at the starting line of the second trial grounds Ye Gui Feng looks around in the area.

The entirety of the place is a flat piece of land. In the skies is an illusory sun. The land itself would make anyone's eyes bulge out in amazement and Ye Gui Feng is no different.

Stabbed into the earth are thousands upon thousands of weapons. The sheer number of swords, spears, lances, staffs, blades, sabers, and various weapons of all shapes and sizes makes Ye Gui Feng suck in a breath of cold air.

"What are all these for?"

All of these weapons give off a powerful aura and it is quite clear that they are all magic treasures.

The wealth of the Yao family can't be measured if they can just put grade four magic treasures and above into a trial ground.

Yao Lei Yun looks towards Ye Gui Feng with anticipation.

"I wonder how he'll get through this if he does."

"The Weapons' Field is the second trial. All the weapons here have a spiritual wielder. Even if he has the Ghostly Spirit Body it doesn't mean anything here."

Yao Nie Tian strokes his bear while smiling. The true trials doesn't start until the third stage. As for stage five that is a trial that only those of the Yao family's legitimate bloodlines are capable of challenging.

Ordinary servant disciples would only be able to make it up to the starting line of the fifth trial and by then their ranks are placed within the 5,000s.

Upon taking one step forward the thousands upon thousands of weapons all responded to Ye Gui Feng's entry into the field.

All of these weapons emit a faint shine before a ghostly practitioner emerges from the earth to take hold of the weapon itself. All of these phantom practitioners give off the air of the Core Formation realm.


A bead of sweat rolls down Ye Gui Feng's head as he sees the sheer number of enemies that he is up against.

Generally the challengers here would make for the distant gates that lead into the third level in the fastest time possible.

From one end to the other this field is well over 10,000 kilometers of distance. With this many enemies to deal with at the same time Ye Gui Feng isn't sure of the chances of him being able to make it pass here.

"Ah dammit!"

Gritting his teeth Ye Gui Feng grips the Sky Serpent Cane in his hand and charged into the crowd.

From within his storage bag Ye Gui Feng takes out one of his suicide Jiangshi and tosses them ahead of him.

*BOOM!* the Jiangshi explodes and clears a path open for him but this path is closing just as quickly as it had appeared.

"There's just not enough power in these explosives... I wonder if I can strengthen it later."

Ye Gui Feng has heard that instability of materials in alchemy can cause terrifying explosions to occur upon lighting the flames.

"I might try it out later. But for now..."

Although Ye Gui Feng feels slightly threatened by the number of enemies and begins to think about taking his leave from the trial grounds he never the less grits his teeth and persists to continue.

"No since I'm here I may as well try my best to make it as far as possible the first time through."

Activating the Ice Demon Grand Magic Ye Gui Feng unleashes a wave of baleful spirits that howl towards his enemies. Wherever these ghosts passed through they would cover the grounds in frost and freeze the enemies in place.

A glacier of ice forms at the tip of his bone whip to which Ye Gui Feng uses to smash apart his enemies by swinging it around with his body in full rotation.

For an entire hour Ye Gui Feng tries to make his way through the dense wall of enemies. The brute strength of the bone whip manages to clear a great deal of mobs away but it just wasn't enough.

In the end Ye Gui Feng could only make it to the 1,500 meter line before he had to grit his teeth and quits out.

"1,500 meters. Considering how this is his first run through it's not so bad."

"His motivation seems to be focused on the Dao of Necromancy. He wants to raise his status in the clan to go to the second floor of the archive."

Unlike the Dao of Alchemy the Dao of Necromancy is looked upon with a frown by many even in the community of demonic sects.

But the services that a Jiangshi can render in all kinds of situations makes them hard to argue against. In any sect or family this division is always lacking in numbers.

Talent is a major factor in any field of crafting but the most important one in this line of work is get used to staring at corpses for a prolonged period of time in detail.

"Let's see what he'll come up with."

Anticipation shines in the eyes of Yao Nie Tian and Yao Lei Yun as they have a feeling that Ye Gui Feng might just create something interesting.


Emerging from within the trial grounds Ye Gui Feng didn't tardy to stay on Mount Evil Blood.

Ye Gui Feng didn't even look up to see his own rankings and instead has chosen to retire back to his Immortal Cave right after buying up a great load of tools and materials from the Yao family's item pavilion.

Sitting within his cave Ye Gui Feng takes out a giant cauldron and fills it with water. Stacked off to the side are beast cores. To his right is a stack of herbs.

"In the games that I've played a Jiangshi or any creature of the dead can give off infections or other status debuffs. In the Five Pill Factions they make poison pills. From what I know those are a lot easier to make than traditional pills that help with cultivation."

Ye Gui Feng is slightly unwilling to dive too deeply into the Dao of Alchemy considering the amount of work that it involves. But then there are treasured herbs in the storage bag given to him by Xie Mo Xin.

Some of them are poison herbs. The amount of time that Ye Gui Feng has spent in the Burial Grounds Sect has increased his stock of these herbs since he never knew what to do with them.

"These beast cores can help raise a Jiangshi's cultivation if they bath in its waters and absorb the energy from it. They naturally contain the amount of magic energy that the beast had accumulated throughout its life in that case they can also be used as a storage. The idea of making a poisoned core or an explosive core is quite possible."

All of this is merely theories on Ye Gui Feng's part but he is quite positive about it working. Given enough time he is sure of success. Since he cannot access the archives at this time he can only do this.

Clapping his hands together Ye Gui Feng decides to test out all of his theories.

邪神之道 B1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang