Don't Blame This Princess for Being Uncaring

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As promised Elder Shu sent Ye Gui Feng one of the Icy Winds Sect's Nascent Soul realm practitioner's corpse. It was even send inside of a high grade storage bag that makes it so that the remnant magic energy won't escape from the body.

But with Ye Gui Feng's current level of cultivation he knew that it would be difficult to control a Nascent Soul realm Jiangshi for a prolonged period of time so he can only store the corpse away for the time being.

For an entire month Ye Gui Feng spent his time on making ten Qi Condensation realm Jiangshi. With his current cultivation base it was possible to connect himself with ten of them.

But movement on each one is quite sluggish and not as fluid as when it comes to controlling just a single Jiangshi.

"I suppose I need to improve my techniques."

Putting a slight hold on increasing his cultivation base Ye Gui Feng practices his control over the Jiangshi. He really only got the basics down when he had used the Three Brothers of the Dead.

This meant that all Ye Gui Feng's controls over their movements had been at the elementary levels.

If it was someone like Elder Shu he would have been able to perform stepping techniques that greatly enhances a Jiangshi's movement speed and flexibility of battlefield control in combat.

Holding a manual that guides one in movement techniques Ye Gui Feng practices while using a single Jiangshi before moving onto two.

On one of the few days that Ye Gui Feng decided to take a break he was spending his time grooming Xiao Ju Hong's hair.

Off to the side Ye Gui Feng was knitting Xiao Ju Hong a new set of clothes that is a replica of the same red robe that it is currently wearing.

The current one's colors have faded a quite a lot over time. Although Ye Gui Feng could easily go out and buy a new set of clothes for Xiao Ju Hong he knew not to splurge.

Spirit stones no matter what are precious and so Ye Gui Feng thought that it was best to always have a large amount of savings on hand. Plus his craft requires him to spend quite a bit...

Above all Ye Gui Feng enjoyed knitting the clothes. It was a joy that only a former fashion designer like him would be able to understand.

"Ah this is nice~"

So far every day has been quite carefree. Whenever Ye Gui Feng went out of his cave and headed off to buy materials other disciples would always greet him with reverence.

Despite being an Honorary Disciple Ye Gui Feng knew not to act arrogant and has always acted humbly in front of others. This instantly made many have a favorable impression of him.

Ye Gui Feng knew that amongst the inner sect disciples there would be a few that are envious of his status but there was nothing that he could do about that and has chosen to not worry about it. It was best to have a good relationship with the majority rather than the minor few.

"Damnable San Xiao open the door!"

On one of these carefree days the nightmare arrived causing Ye Gui Feng to halt in his combing of Xiao Ju Hong's hair with a startled expression.

"I'll just... Pretend I'm not home. Yes that should work."

Quite readily Ye Gui Feng decides to ignore Long Huangrong who is standing outside of his cave.

"Damnable San Xiao I know you're in there so don't pretend like you aren't!"

"...No I can't that door. What if she puts a bullet between my eyes the moment I open it? I-I..."

It was then that an idea struck him as Ye Gui Feng got up and heads closer to the cave's entrance.

"Princess I can't open the door. It's a mess in here with the corpses that I'm working on."

That was the best excuse that Ye Gui Feng could come up with. As someone in the Awakened Corpses Faction it wasn't strange for him to have a room that's filled with the stench of blood and the sight of gore.

"Then just come out!"

"I can't I-I need to work on them quickly before they go bad."

Standing outside the cave Long Huangrong feels a great deal of frustration building up.

Despite having seen a great deal of bloodshed Long Huangrong is never the less a girl and would be disturbed by the sight of opened bodies being worked on in front of her.

That's why in battle Long Huangrong prefers to end an opponent cleanly rather than brutally.


Long Huangrong turns around and away from the cave. It took her weeks to make up her mind to come here to thank Ye Gui Feng for saving her back in the Nine Dragons' Vault.

But seeing as how the person is busy Long Huangrong can't just demand them to come out considering how Ye Gui Feng's current status is even above her.

Hearing the sound of Long Huangrong's footsteps walking away Ye Gui Feng sighs in relief.

"I'm safe... But I can't just keep using that as an excuse either... She'll catch on sooner or later."

Within this sect Long Huangrong is the only disciple that Ye Gui Feng is truly afraid of so he would do his best to avoid her at all costs when heading outside.

"Ah... This isn't a solution. Eventually when I head outside I'll run into her or during some special sect meeting and the likes. And when I do..."

Ye Gui Feng's complexion turns as white as a sheet of paper as he thought of Long Huangrong's rage piercing through the heavens.

The thought of this sends a shiver down Ye Gui Feng's spine as at that time a bullet will have pierce right through his head.

"I-I really am afraid of that insane chick..."

Fortunately for the next few days Long Huangrong didn't show up in front of Ye Gui Feng's cave. But Ye Gui Feng is never the less on guard.

The entrance to Ye Gui Feng's cave is shut at all times to keep out unwanted people. The other disciples of the Awakened Corpses Faction can only look on with laughter.

They didn't think that someone who was boasted so highly by the elders would actually be such a turtle. But then thinking about Long Huangrong's personality they weren't too surprised either.

"Xiao Feng the food for today is here."

"Th-That princess isn't here i-is she?"

Ju Tongzi and some of the other disciples who would routinely deliver food to Ye Gui Feng had to go through a lengthy process before they are allowed to enter to cave as well.

"*Sigh* since I am still in the Qi Condensation realmI still need food..."

Once someone reaches the Foundation Establishment realm the necessity of food is taken out of the equations of living. One can simply cultivate and have their bodies nourished by magic energy.

But as Ye Gui Feng will forever be in the Qi Condensation levels he can't go on without food. Perhaps after achieving true immortality he can get rid of this issue.

"Becoming an immortal is too difficult... Well I do like food so the thought of going without it really doesn't seem natural."

Another week later Long Huangrong returns much to Ye Gui Feng's dismay.

"*Cough, cough, cough* I'm sick right now so meeting really won't be a good idea..."


Long Huangrong already knows that Ye Gui Feng is purposefully trying to avoid her as she stands outside of his cave with her arms folded beneath her chest.

"Fine, fine. I see how it is. If this is how you're going to play it then don't blame this princess for being uncaring."

There was a sense of amusement within all of this that causes Long Huangrong to smile in a strange manner.

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