A Demonic Cultivator

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"Xiao Feng are you heading down to town?"


One of the senior members of the kitchen, Kòng Lǜ Yè (控绿叶) who is now a member of the outer sect sees Ye Gui Feng who is heading down to town.


"Be careful. There's been some sightings of those from the demonic sects."

"Eh? How did they get into town?"

"No idea. Well securities gotten tighter so it should be fine. But just because it has doesn't mean you can let your guard down."

"Then you should be careful as well."

The senior nods as he reaches into his storage bag to pull out a bottle of pills that he passes to Ye Gui Feng.

"Senior Brother Kong you really shouldn't give me these. They would be better off in your hands."

As Ye Gui Feng sees no hope in increasing his cultivation base he feels bad taking these pills from his former senior in the kitchen workplace.

"Nonsense. Everyone misses you in the outer sect. You need to quickly catch up."

Not taking a no for an answer Kong Lu Ye leaves quickly forcing Ye Gui Feng to accept the pill bottle.

"*Sigh* I really don't want to let them down..."

Many of his former seniors and juniors would often come to visit him and give Ye Gui Feng such pills that they've saved up over the past few weeks.

But it only makes Ye Gui Feng feel increasingly guilty about not raising his cultivation base despite having received so much help.

With a heavy heart Ye Gui Feng sighs and heads to town.

Once in town...

"Xiao Feng take these cabbages."

"Xiao Feng here's some surplus meat."

"Xiao Feng come here."

The marketplace is as crowded as usual as Ye Gui Feng walks about. Every time a shopkeeper sees him they would openly give him freebies. This is place that Ye Gui Feng feels himself to be the most welcomed.

"Thank you."

Ye Gui Feng thanks each of the shop keepers for their freebies. In the past he had tried to refuse but he has come to discover that they would not take no for an answer so he can only openly accept them each time he visits.

"Ah they all treat me so nicely. This really does make me feel better about myself..."

Ye Gui Feng feels himself to be somewhat pathetic to be so easily touched about this as he makes his way to the biggest butcher in town.

"Uncle I've come to order some beef for the kitchen staff."

"Oh? I figured as much. You haven't visited in two months."

"It's been somewhat busy... But then again I really don't have much of an excuse to forget about coming over..."

The ordering and schedule of delivery for the meat ingredients are quickly settled as the manager has already prepared the items in question. This allowed Ye Gui Feng to have some free time to walk around town.

"*Sigh* I feel like I need to do some soul searching..."

Perhaps Ye Gui Feng's decision back then to come to the Seven Rivers Sect had been a rash one as he has not found any success in his cultivation. Throughout his time in the Seven Rivers Sect he has only been stuck working in the kitchen for well over ten years.

When the villagers of Ye Gui Feng's hometown had sent him off they had encouraged him greatly and gave him their blessings.

If he goes back there now like this Ye Gui Feng would truly be making himself a laughingstock.

"No, no, no I won't go back. Even if life is rough here I still want to continue."

"Psst. Boy come over here."

As Ye Gui Feng continues to walk down the streets of the town a figure dressed in dark robes waves towards him with their hand in the shape of a cat's paw.


Turning his head towards the direction of a narrow alleyway Ye Gui Feng walks towards the suspicious individual. Their appearance gives off a very shady and tacky feel.

With their face covered up by the hoodie of their dark robe it was impossible to tell just what kind of face they are making.

"Judging by the badge on your chest you must be a disciple of the Seven Rivers Sect."

"I'm not sure if I count as a disciple considering how I'm working in the kitchen..."

"Do you know how unfair the world of cultivation is? If you're lacking talent you cannot hope to become an immortal. Within this world the strong feeds on the wea-"

"Yes, yes, I know this truth more than anyone else since I am a talentless piece of trash who couldn't even reach the first level of Qi Condensation after a whole five years of hard work and has been stuck at the 0.5th level since then."

No one was more clear of this than Ye Gui Feng who has lived in this world for 15 years.

The sad truth was so tragic that Ye Gui Feng couldn't help but shed tears of self-pity as he takes over the conversation to tell about his entire life story of being a talentless disciple of the Seven Rivers Sect while staring up at the clear heavens.

Unbeknownst to Ye Gui Feng the old man beneath his hood had his eyes flashing upon hearing that this boy had a cultivation base of the 0.5th level of Qi Condensation.

As Ye Gui Feng's rant continues to grow in length the shady old man in the dark robes seem to have become speechless from the boy's story as he sat there listening to Ye Gui Feng while nodding his head every now and then.

Upon Ye Gui Feng finishing his story...

"Since you already know all this then I shall give this to you for the price of five spirit stones."

The shady person gives Ye Gui Feng a thin booklet. There is no title on it but judging by the special papers used to construct it this is clearly a cultivation manual.

"*Sigh* five spirit stones? Do you truly believe that someone working in the kitchen would have such a fortune? You must be underestimating my level of poverty."

Since there was truly nothing that Ye Gui Feng could boast about he may as well boast about his flaws in life. Poverty is surely one of them.

Even after working for so long in the kitchen Ye Gui Feng has never made a single spirit stone to show for his efforts.

"Ah my life is really filled with misery isn't it? God is dead and has completely forsaken me..."

The old man seeing as how this is probably true coughs before continuing to speak.

"...Ahem... Very well consider it a freebie."

"Wait just who are you?"

"Ohohoh I am merely a kindhearted traveler who offers free blessings to the aspiring youths that wish for immortality."

"No, no, no, no matter how you try to make yourself look virtuous you're clearly suspicious. Don't tell me you're a demo-"


From within the robes of the suspicious person a metal sphere falls and upon it hitting the ground-

*Pooooooooff!!!* it explodes to release a dense smoke cloud that causes everyone around the area to cough.

"He WAS a demonic cultivator dammit if reported him I would have gotten a few spirit stones!"

邪神之道 B1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang