Treading Immortality

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"Ah this is the life~"

Ye Gui Feng feels like he had suddenly aged by 50 years but he didn't care as he sits down inside a hot spring. The water is filled with precious medical herbs that helps to relax one's mind and body.

The effect is very evident as all the sores from work has almost instantly vanished as Ye Gui Feng breaths in the aromatic scent through his nose.

The bath area in the main building of the courtyard isn't often used as Yao Nie Tian is only person that lives here. At most it is used once or twice a month.

The needs for an immortal to bath is almost nonexistent. It is merely there as a form of wanting to feel cleaner.

"Ah if only I can bath in this every day."

As much as Ye Gui Feng would love to do just that it is practically impossible. These herbs aren't cheap. Just a single one can cost anywhere from 10,000 spirit stones to 50,000 spirit stones.

Such a large expense is far too high in his eyes. However in the eyes of an immortal this is probably still considered quite plain.

"I guess this is what it means to swim in money when a single bath in this can cost well over two million spirit stones."

Stretching out his tired limbs Ye Gui Feng yawns. He feels like if he stays in here for too long he might just fall asleep with the fatigue that he's accumulated over the past week.

"Ugh this is simply insane if I need to keep going out to tell stories for money."

Ye Gui Feng knows that he can't just do that every day. People simply won't be able to donate each time he speaks.

"Isn't there an easier way to go about making money that doesn't rely on charity?"

Kindness of the human heart will only get one so far in life.


Now that Ye Gui Feng thought about it he never has went down the mountains to see the lands surrounding the Yao family.

The lich had said that the Yao family rules over a land of ghosts and demons. This is something that Ye Gui Feng still hasn't seen.

But going down the mountains and then coming back up... Along with the unknowns of how dangerous the surrounding areas are makes Ye Gui Feng hesitant to do so.

"Ah forget it. I'll simply live here until otherwise. It's not worth braving some risks for wealth unless the situation calls for it."

A few minutes later Ye Gui Feng emerges from within the bathing area with a towel over his head. His hair has grown rather long over the past few years.

In the 21st century it was far more common to see a male with shorter hair but in this world a male is almost expected to have hair that is as long as a woman's.

"*Sigh* I think I now know why people in this world love to have long hair. All of them want to pose as a peerless expert standing on top of a windy cliff with their clothes and hair fluttering around to look epic."

"Exactly goes on in your head?"

Yao Nie Tian who had been sitting around with Yao Lei Yun speaks out.

"Oh nothing."

Removing the towel from his head Ye Gui Feng sees the two.

"Alright sit."

"Is something the matter?"

Ye Gui Feng sat down to the side and places the towel on the arm rest of his chair.

"You want an easy way to make money right?"

"Did you hear me in the bath?"

Ye Gui Feng doesn't recall speaking that loudly.

"The higher your cultivation the stronger your natural senses are. It was far too easy to hear you."


Yao Lei Yun smiles and moves onto the main topic.

"You're probably tired of going around telling stories on a weekly basis by now. Lucky for you there's a competition for the clansmen of the family."

Yao Lei Yun already knows that Ye Gui Feng is the mysterious Lu-yeye that's a common topic amongst those of the junior generation. Within the entirety of the Yao family only these two know about Ye Gui Feng's identity.

"Core Formation realm first place gets you a generous amount of merit points that you can trade in for your needs of Dark Silver along with a magic treasure of the sixth grade."


Hearing the full details of the competition Ye Gui Feng nods his head. It takes place in two days and Yao Nie Tian had already signed him up for it.

The main purpose of it is to select some promising clansmen of the family from amongst the masses to raise for the future.

"Do you know the details of attaining immortality?"


This Ye Gui Feng really didn't have a clue about but it seems like everyone else in the Yao family has full knowledge of it.

"Upon reaching the peak of the Transcendence realm one can wait for the immortal destiny that appears every 1,000 years. This means that every 1,000 years a new immortal is born."

"Acquiring this destiny is merely one means to obtain immortality. Upon its arrival here in the world the sky will darken and a single light shall shine down from above. This light is the pathway that one must follow to obtain that destiny. Of course the competition then will be just as fierce because only one immortal can be born."

"The other method is by summoning the ancient will of the heavens. Fight against that will and defeat it to obtain immortality. To do this an item called Heaven's Mandate is required."

"The will takes on the form of one's immortal body. It is a materialization of one's own self. It tests one's own heart in the midst of it. If your heart is strong then you should be able to preserve against this will."

All the information that is told to him by Yao Nie Tian and Yao Lei Yun is something that Ye Gui Feng takes to hearts as he engraves them into his memories.

"Then Elder Lei Yun which one will you be going after?"

A look of yearning appears on Yao Lei Yun's face as he smiles while looking up at the ceiling.

"Personally I'd go for the second method. First route if I absolutely confidence in myself to fight my peers but in honestly both are just as difficult."

"I see. But I feel like the first method will be tougher since there's simply no telling how many people you'd fight against."

"Heh competitions at those times can be counted within the millions."

Ye Gui Feng doesn't know about treading to immortality as it all seems so far away from him at this time. There's also no guarantee that states that his path will be like others when treading immortality as he is a holder of the Heavenly Demon physique.

(*Sigh* I feel like the idea of a final boss and a main character in this world might not even exist.)

In the first place that had merely been Ye Gui Feng's way to interpret his own personal situations but upon thinking deeper about his own circumstances it might just be plain bad luck that influenced his fodder like mindset to grow.

邪神之道 B1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें