An Eternity with Her...

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After handing over his "refined" research files in a jade slip to Yao Xie Xian Ye Gui Feng is guided by a maid servant to the storage building of the mansion grounds.

"Xieshen-gongzi here we are."

"Thank you."

Brought to the storage house Ye Gui Feng steps inside. The protection array didn't do anything to stop him as he takes out the jade slip and enters.

As agreed upon with the patriarchs Ye Gui Feng may take up to five corpses and enough Dark Silver to fill the Jiangshi with.

"Ah this is going to be difficult..."

In front of Ye Gui Feng is a hall of well-preserved corpses that have been frozen with a layer of frost.

All of them look very much alive and not a single wound can be seen on them. The interior organs had all been removed prior to storage so they're nothing more than mere shells of their former glory.

"...I wonder how any of these things would have tasted if they were still alive."

Standing in front of a large crab like beast Ye Gui Feng ponders about this before shaking his head to dismiss the thought and quickly begins to pick from the collections.

After three hours of time Ye Gui Feng finally settled on five corpses of various beasts. A centipede, a bear, a bull, wolf, and a lizard that can be considered a half-dragon.

"Hmm this lizard can be used as the base. Wolf for the leg. Bears for the claws and arms. Centipede for the tail. Bull... Well the horns as for the rest of its body I've no idea..."

Walking out of the storage building Ye Gui Feng sees Xiao Ju Hong waiting outside.

"Sorry to have to trouble you."

"Heh no need. Even without a compensation I would have agreed to it."

Approaching Xiao Ju Hong Ye Gui Feng smiles. He hesitates a bit but... He feels like the words stuck in his throat needs to be said no matter what.

"No matter what happens you must stay alive. Alright?"


Xiao Ju Hong blinks her round red eyes. There was something about Ye Gui Feng's serious expression that causes her to be confused.

"It's fine if you don't understand but promise me this."

Xiao Ju Hong thought back to Ye Gui Feng's lifespan of a mortal. She presses her eyebrows together and despite wanting to bring up this topic she swallows them back.


"...Good. I'll see you in another month."

As much as Ye Gui Feng wanted to spend more time with Xiao Ju Hong here. There were many things that he needed to do in the meantime as he heads back to Mount Zhu Tian.

This trip will most probably not go too smoothly as Ye Gui Feng thought back to the future timeline.

Xiao Ju Hong's Transcendence realm of cultivation as Ye Gui Feng's Jiangshi had come from the aid of the red chrysanthemum. Her originally cultivation should have been around the Soul Separation realm.

Ye Gui Feng doesn't know how Xiao Ju Hong had ended up in the Moon and Stars Kingdom but that didn't matter. He's ready to do everything in his power to stop it from happening.


"You look like you're ready for war."

Returning back to Mount Zhu Tian Yao Nie Tian sees the solemn look on Ye Gui Feng's face.

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