The Yao family's Jiangshi Division

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"Goddammit! Normally I would be humble and polite when talking to others but right now I'm just damn pissed off!"

To the amazement of Yao Lei Yun and the guards Ye Gui Feng doesn't act with any shred of politeness in his speech as he speaks towards Yao Lei Yun with bloodshot eyes.

Ye Gui Feng doesn't care if he doesn't get the status of a servant. That isn't what he's going for anyways.

From start to end Ye Gui Feng had wanted to come up here to just get a look at the Yao family but at this point he has completely forgotten about his purpose in being here in his fit of anger.

"How long has he been firing his mouth cannon for?"


The guards only continue to look on with widen eyes whereas Yao Lei Yun repeatedly blinks his eyes.

At this time Yao Lei Yun is still at a loss from the mere sight of someone showing up in front of the Yao family's mountaintop gates.

The last attack that Yao Lei Yun had used might not have used the full strength of his cultivation base but it should have never the less managed to greatly injured someone at the Core Formation realm.

"Ah... Alright, alright, enough child settle down."

Finally regaining his senses Yao Lei Yun tries to calm down Ye Gui Feng who has been complaining nonstop.


Inwardly Yao Lei Yun is still shock by someone passing this trial but that shock has shifted to pleasantness as he stares at the black wings of Ye Gui Feng.

"You have a Heavenly Demon physique?"

"So what if I have a Heavenly Demon physique? This young master has experienced the highs and lows of the cultivation world. Dammit I used 11 of my Jiangshi and ten of them had been wasted... Y-Y-You need to pay me back for my losses!"

The thought cuts deeply into Ye Gui Feng's heart as he sulks while biting the bottom of his lips like a child throwing a tantrum.

The guards all looked at each other while shivering. Yao Lei Yun is still an elder of the clan and to speak to him in such a manner would normally mean punishment. But-

"Hahahaha! Alright, alright, you want compensation right? Then here."

To the astonishment of everyone Yao Lei Yun actually takes out a reward from his storage bag and tosses it in Ye Gui Feng's direction.

Ye Gui Feng's eyes turn round like a child as he catches the item.


Catching the item Ye Gui Feng blinks his eyes in confusion as he didn't know what it's used for but it was a round pearl like sphere.


"What is this your first time seeing a beast core? They are extracted from wild beasts that are in and above the Core Formation realm. If you can absorb the remnant magic energy inside of it, it'd help greatly with your cultivation. Other than that they are a precious material for any crafting professions."

Ye Gui Feng didn't know what he can use it for yet but he is never the less excited much to the envy of the guards.

"Ah *cough, cough* ahem..."

Ye Gui Feng coughs and clears his throat before straightening his back and folding his black wings to overlap with the front of his legs. He then looks up at Yao Lei Yun.

"That... Senior if I might have offended you before then this junior apologizes."

Strange looks are given to Ye Gui Feng by the guards as each and every one of them had troubled putting together the face of the Ye Gui Feng that had been complaining to this Ye Gui Feng that's acting like a modest child.

"Forget it. Come with me."

Yao Lei Yun flicks his sleeves and turns around with Ye Gui Feng walking up to follow.

The mountaintops of Mount Tongtian is massive on its own but to Ye Gui Feng's astonishment there are actually ten other floating mountains peaks that's above the mountaintop of Mount Tongtian. Each one of these mountains peaks' tops are the same size as Mount Tongtian.


Seeing Ye Gui Feng's reaction of a lost child Yao Lei Yun smiles as he begins to explain.

"In our Yao family we have divisions. I shall explain each and every one of them briefly."

Each mountain is home to a division and each mountain has a teleportation array set up to transport one from mountain to mountain.

Such a grand and complicated setup for a single clan can only mean one thing. They have true immortals within the clan. Only immortals are capable of wielding such power that are a defiance to one's common beliefs.

Similarly to the Burial Grounds Sect that had factions the Yao family has divisions that range from crafting to combat.

Yao Lei Yun briefly goes over each one with Ye Gui Feng before asking him which one he chooses to join.

"I wish to join one of the crafting divisions. I've been learning to make Jiangshi since the true start of my cultivation."

Yao Lei Yun smiles even more warmly than before.

"Then it will be my division on Zhū Tiān Shān (诛天山 Translation: Mount Zhu Tian)."

Yao Lei Yun quickly brings Ye Gui Feng to Mount Zhu Tian's peak through the teleportation array of Mount Tongtian. He brings Ye Gui Feng to pick out an Immortal Cave and gave him a stack of books, his identification medallion, and some corpses within a storage bag before leaving the boy to his own devices.

Left to his own devices Ye Gui Feng begins to look through the stack of items that he has been given.

"Mm as expected of a high class clan even the storage bags are bigger than the ones that I generally have. These ones are even capable of containing the lingering magic energy of the corpses."

Ye Gui Feng takes out the books from within and begins to go through then.

"What? You can actually do that?"

"Th-This is incredible I must try it later."

"This Yao family... This isn't a support skill that's used in the midst of crafting anymore. This can actually be used in combat but most of the information that's meant to cultivate it is watered down. Isn't this making a joke out of it?"

"Isn't this what I was looking for back in the Burial Grounds Sect? I actually found it here so easily."

Skimming through the books for an entire hour Ye Gui Feng is constantly surprised by the new pieces of knowledge that he found.

"No. I don't know how long I have to stay here in the Yao family. This is a good fortune that I can't pass up. I need to... Go through all of their materials before my time here expires!"

Ye Gui Feng doesn't know just how he got himself here or how long he has before he vanishes. Within this unknown time frame he plans on dedicating all of his time researching on the Dao of Necromancy.

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