To Be Beheaded

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Opening his eyes Ye Gui Feng finds himself resting on the ground. He stands back up only to realize that old man Xie Mo Xin has already vanished.


Ye Gui Feng looks up at the skies with emotional eyes.

"He must not have wanted me to see him off to the Yellow Rivers so he made me faint. *Sigh*"

Ye Gui Feng claps his hands together in the form of a prayer.

"Master with your soul in heaven, please give me your blessings."

Following a moment of silence Ye Gui Feng looks through the storage bag of Xie Mo Xin. He found quite a few valuable items just as he would have expected.

There were even 40,000 spirit stones. This amount of wealth is something that Ye Gui Feng would never have expected himself to be holding onto in the past and yet it is truly in his hands now.

Putting away the storage bag into the folds of his upper wear Ye Gui Feng begins to head back to the Seven Rivers Sect.

Upon getting back into the kitchen Ye Gui Feng quickly begins to work.

Time passes by quickly as Ye Gui Feng immerses himself in the heated environment of the kitchen.

Night falls and Ye Gui Feng soon finds himself sitting on the bed of his room. In front of him is the first manual that Xie Mo Xin had gifted to him.

Drawn onto the wrinkled papers is a special form of breathing and text describing how one should train in it.

"Hmm I see so they train by absorbing in the magic energy of vile spirits."

Generally the new disciples of the Seven River Sect train by absorbing in the magic energy of their environment.

Places that hold a sect is always built upon lands with vast amounts of magic energy flowing between the realms of heaven and earth.

"*Sigh* I might as well try..."

Continuing to go through the manual Ye Gui Feng's pace of breathing gradually becomes more and more similar to the breathing technique described in the manual.

Completely immersing himself in the manual's descriptions and cultivating a thin veil of red begins to cover up Ye Gui Feng's body.

Despite holding the same manner of breathing for an hour Ye Gui Feng finds no real changes occurring in his body.

It was already so late and tomorrow there was more work to do.

"Eh let's call it a night."

Unbeknownst to Ye Gui Feng that thin veil of redness continues to cover him in the midst of his sleep.

Tonight is a moonless night and a chilling cold wind blows across the Seven Rivers Sect.

The cemetery area of the sect gives off an aura of death from each of the tombstones.

Ghostly bodies emerge from the tombstones. One by one they begin to move away from their tombstones as they float up into the air.

All of them move towards the kitchen workplace of the Mountain of the Wind God in the form of cold air streams.


Upon the ghostly bodies arrival at the workplace the temperature within the area drops drastically.

All of the kitchen staff members groaned and pulled up their blankets for more warmth as the ghostly bodies continues to loom about in the air in search of something.

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