Second Part of the Manual

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The very next day Ye Gui Feng waited. He was naturally waiting for his food to be delivered to him but...

"Strange what happened to my food for the day?"

It still wasn't delivered. Half the day should be over by now. It should have been delivered to Ye Gui Feng hours ago.

Feeling a bad premonition Ye Gui Feng press a hand to his stomach as he stands up from his seated position and begins to move towards the exit of his cave.

Out of safety Ye Gui Feng didn't dare to open the door but instead pressed his ears to the door.

"...No I can't hear anything..."

As Ye Gui Feng still didn't dare to open the door he begins to open his mouth to shout.

"H-Hey! Anyone out there? Where's my food?"

Ye Gui Feng's senior brothers of the Awakened Corpses Faction all look on with bitter smiles before going back to their work.

"*Sigh* Xiao Feng good luck."

"You knew that you couldn't hide forever..."

Long Huangrong stands outside of Ye Gui Feng's cave with her arms folded beneath her chest. By her feet is a sealed basket of food.

"Oh? San Xiao hungry are you? Come, come, open the doors to your cave. Big sis came here today to personally deliver you your... Meal."

Long Huangrong smiles sinisterly. That brief pause in her speech was instantly filtered in Ye Gui Feng's mind as he interprets the meal as his "last meal."

"This is bad, this is bad! She just said she came to deliver me my last meal! Am I going to become Jesus and get crucified later?"

Turning away from the doors Ye Gui Feng clasps his head in panic. From within his storage bag Ye Gui Feng takes out a jade slip and uses it to call Elder Shu.


Elder Shu who received the message coughs dryly and ignores the message. This is a matter between those of the junior generation he didn't want any part in it.

"What's going on? Did it not get through?"

Ye Gui Feng quietly goes back into his living space and sat down and continues to wait. He wanted to see how long Long Huangrong will stay.

"With a princess attitude like that she's bound to not wait that long. I just need to endure."

Ye Gui Feng tries to distract himself from his hunger by meditating.

Once Long Huangrong becomes bored of this game she should leave quite quickly.

But an hour after Ye Gui Feng's stomach let's out a long growl of hunger causing him to feel numbness spreading throughout his body.

"No... I can't go out there. Death awaits outside..."

But not going out there isn't a solution either. At the rate of which his stomach is growling Ye Gui Feng is bound to become insane from starvation.

Another hour passes...

"Shit am I going to become the first disciple to die of starvation in this sect!? Th-This isn't logical at all! I'm an Honorary Disciple aren't I? What reason do I have to put up with this!?"

Approaching the doors to his cave while fuming Ye Gui Feng prepares to let Long Huangrong have a piece of his mind in being treated like this.

With the comforting thoughts of his current status being above Long Huangrong Ye Gui Feng thought that it was fine for him to act arrogant for once.

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