I, Ye Gui Feng Have Come to Realized That...

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"Come, come, taste this fruit here for your Ye- No that sounds too weird..."

The addition of two more Ye characters behind his surname just didn't go well together as Ye Gui Feng walks up to the elephant that is lying on its sides in pain.

Placing a hand over the elephant's head Ye Gui Feng extracts some of the ghosts that are possessing it before he shoves a strange red fruit into the elephant's mouth.


The elephant convulses as its entire body turns red and it begins to sweat like crazy.

It abruptly raises it body and is seemingly on the verge of spewing out fires before it charges off into the distance while knocking down every single tree in its path in a rampaging manner much to Ye Gui Feng's dumbfounded reaction.

"Ah wait! You still need to test these grapes for me! Dammit!"

Upon recovering from his daze Ye Gui Feng who sees the fleeing butt of the elephant can't help but call out and sigh.

"My Ghostly Spirit Body's release should have effected quite a bit of beasts within the vicinity. Alright let's look around then. I'm sure I'll find more to test these things with."

As Ye Gui Feng walks along he finds a convulsing white leopard to which he feeds it a few floral patterned grapes.


A tremor runs through the white leopard's body as it snaps it eyes open but just as it wakes up it abruptly faints and foam from its mouth.

"Is this poisonous?"

Ye Gui Feng checks the beast's pulse and it was still breathing but the poison from this grape had most likely paralyzed its body.

"Ah whatever like I said if it's considered dead I'll make it into a Jiangshi."

Ye Gui Feng touches the neck of the leopard and uses the Blood God Domain's control ability to cease all the blood cells from entering the beast's brain.

Within a few seconds the leopard dies to which Ye Gui Feng stores the corpse away into his storage bag before moving on.

The next beast that Ye Gui Feng finds is a fainted spotted tiger to which he got close to and feeds a spotted mushroom to.

*Grawr!!!* the tiger's spotted fur body instantaneously darkens and it opens its bloodshot eyes.

It immediately rears its head to see Ye Gui Feng and leaps up to attack!


Startled by the tiger's abrupt change into a berserk like state Ye Gui Feng retreats back and runs as the tiger chases after him.

"Dammit what is up with this forest? Isn't there anything to eat here?"

After finding an opening in the tiger Ye Gui Feng manages to strike out a barrage of ghostly palm strikes. The tormented tiger is then finished off.

"*Sigh* I don't want to test this anymore. This is too unpredictable. What if I feed a beast something similar to this mushroom?"

Sitting down by the side of the tiger's corpse Ye Gui Feng looks at the half eaten mushroom in his hand. Just half a bite made the beast go into such rage, he can't imagine what would happen if it ate the full thing.

"I feel like I'm starting to understand the sort of characters who are forced to eat their love interest's horrible cooking. Th-This is horrible..."

Ye Gui Feng stares up at the sky and sighs. He didn't know what kind of effect these strange foods will have and he isn't willing to try them out on himself.

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