You'll Just Have To Find Out

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Marilyn Anderson

“Zak, I'm so not going in there.” I said to him, looking up at the club he was trying to make me go into. The walls around the entrance had advertisements of strippers and beer, and I most certainly didn't want to go in there, “Can't we just go back to the house? Or can't we go somewhere else? I don't want to go to a club.” Zak looked at me in annoyance, crossing his arms and looking back over at the posters, his eyes almost glued to the posters, “If you want to see those strippers so bad go see them. I'll take a taxi home.” My anger with him was escalating. It was all day actually – because he would stare at every big boobed girl on the street, wink at strippers, and flirt with girls. I acted like I didn't noticed, but I did and it hurt my heart. When Zak didn't say anything, I turned around and began hopping down the street, my underarms hurting from the consent pressure from my crutches.

“No,” Zak wined, grabbing my shoulder and jogging around to the front of me, “I don't want you to take a cab home. I wanted to go dancing with you.” Zak tried to cover up his man-whore ways, but I saw through them. I shook my head, annoyed with him.

“Really?” I questioned him, “With my cast on? You didn't think that through too much did you?” Zak let out a sigh, and put his hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes at him. “You know,” I began, “I thought this day was suppose to be all about me and you. But all it's been about is you gawking at girls that are obviously much hotter than I am. It's like you have to rub it in my face I don't have double D boobs or an ass so big that it won't fit in my shorts.” I hissed at him, my voice loud enough to catch the attention at a few bystanders. Zak was shocked at my outburst, not being able to say anything, but I kept going, because my anger boiling up inside me wouldn't let me stop, “Well, you know what? Zak, maybe if you love those slutty girls so much – go date them. Because obviously they are much better than myself.” Zak rose his eyebrows and shook his head.

“Marilyn, why are you acting like this?” Zak half-hissed at me.

“Why?” I mocked him, “Do you seriously want to know why, or are you only acting like you care because you're acting like you don't want to loose me?” Zak stared at me, not able to talk. Girls walking by us on the street eyes us, and a few girls stopped by him and asked for a picture. Zak agreed, and I rolled my eyes and turned around. I began to crutched my way down the sidewalk, bumping into a few people and muttering my apologizes. I tried to walk fast, but obviously I couldn't go very fast. I let out a sigh as I heard Zak call out my name.

“Marilyn!” Zak shouted running back to me, “Please stop being mad!” Zak put his hand on my shoulder and walks around to the front of me so I couldn't move. “Why are you so mad!?”

“I'm not mad!” I growled, “I'm aggravated!”

“Really? Because it sounds like you're mad.” Zak challenged. I let out a scream of aggravation.

“Of course I'm mad!” I screamed back at him, people staring at me while they walked past, “I'm sorry that I can't have the stripper looks you desire so fucking badly.” I gritted my teeth and stared at him, his blue eyes sorry and his lips parted into a sad open mouthed gasp.

“Really, Marilyn. I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry that I'm attracted to girls with big boobs and a big butt. But you know what, Marilyn? You're the only girl for me. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're beautiful, you're amazing, and I couldn't ask for anything else. I don't care if you don't have big boobs or a big ass. I only care that you're mine.” I stared at him, the darkness of the night mixed with the lights of Vegas lighting up his face. I took him in a hug and let out a sigh, breathing into his chest.

“I'm sorry,” I cried, “I don't mean to be mean. It's just getting to me. I know I'm not as hot as them. I'm never going to be. These girls are freakin' gorgeous! And unfortunately I'm not, and it just makes me think that you don't want me.” Zak half-laughed in my hair, and ruffled it as he pulled away.

I'm Just Trying To Help (A Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now