A Day By Ourselves.

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Marilyn Anderson

Zak's house was the biggest house I've ever been to. I was awestruck upon walking into it. His kitchen was the first thing you walked into. It was dark and creepy – Zak in so many different ways. The floor was black tile, and the walls were white. The Cupboards and appliances were all black. The bar had black stools, and a small black table against the wall. I should've saw this coming, since my boyfriend is a freaking wierdo. Zak showed me around the house. From the way he showed me around the house, his face was bright. He loved this house.

“So, here's the thing.” I laughed, “How do you expect me to get up and down these stairs?” Zak puckered his lips and pushed them to the side, tapping his foot as he thought.

“Ya'know.” Zak said, a smirk playing on his lips, “I could carry you.”

“With those muscles that you don't have?” I teased. Zak laughed out loud and rolled his eyes at me, “I could just sleep down here, you have a couch right?”

“No,” Zak said flatly, looking at me like I was dysfunctional. “I have a huge bed upstairs, I'm sure you can put yourself – and your robot leg in the bed.” I rolled my eyes at his stupid humor and sighed, leaning against my crutches before hopping over to the living room. It was safe to say I was madly in love with his living room. The couches dark leather and a medium sized plasma on the wall. A red leather chase under the TV, a glass coffee table, a fuzzy rug under the table, wooden floors. It was soo amazing. I loved it. I sighed as I gently put my leg on the coffee table.

“I'm sorry for being boring,” I said sheepishly, “I'm sorry you're stuck here with me.” Zak laughed walking over to the couch before leaning down and pecking my lips.

“Your not a nuisance or anything, Marilyn.” Zak smiled, “I'm happy to have you here. We can have fun without going out on the town.” I sighed and nodded – not knowing what we were going to do – but I hoped it was something not tiring – because I was beat.

Zak Bagans

It was the middle of the night, around 3 a.m. When I woke up out of no where. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom, getting ready to take a piss – that's when I heard it. Loud screaming from the bedroom, like I was on an investigation, I turned around and sprinted out of the bathroom, whipping open the door so fast it smashed against the wall. I expected something to be attacking Marilyn, because I've had experiences like that in my own home so many times before. I ran up stairs to the bedroom, nearly tripping over the steps. I slipped on the wooden floor in the bedroom, slamming onto the bed and flipping on the lamp. Marilyn was screaming in her sleep, calling out for help, “No! Get off of me! Tony..!” I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

“Baby, wake up!” I yelled, attempting to wake her up. “Please, Marilyn!” Her screams echoed through the walls of the house. I tried and tried, shaking her – and screaming at her for a good twenty minutes, until finally – her eyes jolted awake and she grabbed me and pulled me towards her, sobbing and shaking.

I squeezed her, not wanting to know what it was about. She just needed to know that I was there for her.

Marilyn Anderson

In the morning, Zak wasn't in the bed. So, I got out of it – and crutched my way to the stair well. When I heard sizzling from the kitchen, I smiled. “Hey Zak?” I called out over the railing, “Can you help me downstairs?” I waited a few seconds, before Zak's voice echoed up the stairs.

“Yeah, one second!” Zak yelled back. I sighed, sitting my crutches on the railing, and sitting on the top step, waiting for Zak to help me. Finally, he appeared. Fully dressed, making me laugh because I was still in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants and a tank top. Zak looked really good actually, wearing a grey T-shirt with the words “HITMAN” in white lettering on the T-shirt, and a half a skull on the bottom half. His pants black and his shoes grey. Scruff was starting to show on his chin and his eyes shining. Zak ran up the stairs, and sat down at the step. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, before he stood back up and gave me a piggy back ride down the stairs. Zak didn't say anything, he plopped me on the couch before jogging back up the stairs and returning my crutches to me. Zak leaned the crutches against the back of the couch, and pecked my cheek. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

“Morning.” I smiled, “Why are you so happy this morning?” I questioned him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. Zak smiled, and didn't say anything, before disappearing back in the kitchen. I heard pots and plates clanging around in the kitchen, I ignored it until my curiosity got the best of me, and I got up to find out what in the world Zak was doing. I picked up my cruches from the back of the couch and starting crutching over to the kitchen, and as soon as I hit the doorway, Zak was beginning to walk out the door.

“Couldn't help yourself, could you?” Zak teased me. I shook my head, trying to look around him in the doorway.

“What are you up too?” I questioned him.

“Oh, nothing irresistibly important.” Zak smirked, “Why? Do you wanna see?”

“Of course I want to see.” I replied to him laughing. Zak smiled and moved from the doorway, and I came into the room. I smiled when I saw what was around me. Lining the island in the kitchen, pancakes, bacon, waffles, eggs, and sausage piled upon plates after plates. The small table was set with pretty plates and napkins, flowers beside my plate, and a smile lining Zak's lips when I looked back at him. “What's this for?” I smiled.

“Oh, just because.” Zak smiled, putting his hands on my shoulders, “I'll make you a plate. Sit down.” I agreed, making my way around the table into where my seat was set. I climbed into the seat, and looked at Zak – watching him pile food on a plate and filling up a glass with juice before handing it to me. I smiled as I watched him get his own.

“So what's the plan for today?” I asked him, picking up a fork and scarfing a forkful of eggs in my mouth.

“I was planning that maybe we could walk the strip. I know your on crutches, but if you get tired I'll carry you. And maybe we can go check out some casinos, and show you some clubs I really like.” Zak smiled, sipping a glass of what looked like apple juice. I nodded.

“Sounds good,” I smiled, “When do we leave?”

“After you don't look like shit.” Zak winked.

“Wow! Thanks!” I exclaimed. Zak laughed before sitting down at the table with me. We ate in almost silence, until I was finished – and Zak piggy backed me back up the stairs. “So, what now?” I smiled as Zak piggy backed me towards the bedroom.

“Get dressed, something that's not too-showy, please. Then we hit the street.” Zak smiled. I laughed and nodded. Then, Zak left the room, and left me to get dressed after he pecked my cheeks. I tore through my suitcase in seconds, trying to find something that looked half decent. Finally, I decided on a black halter top shirt with a high-waist flow light blue skirt, and a strappy sandle on my foot that wasn't in a cast. I curled my hair a little bit and smiled at myself in the mirror after I put on a little bit of makeup. I hopped around the room and grabbed my crutches off the ground, and crutched my way back trough the house.

“Zak!” I yelled down the stairs.

“I just love you depending on me.” Zak laughed from behind me, walking out of his office as he pulled his glasses off from his face. I laughed at him, “Ready for a day? It's just about you and me.” I smiled at that. This day was going to be exciting, and I was so excited for it.

“Oh, shut up.” I laughed.

“I told you not to show too much.” Zak implyed, eying my outfit. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh shut up.” I repeated. “I feel like that's all I've been saying to you lately.” Zak laughed at me and rolled his eyes.

“You got your purse up here? Or downstairs?” Zak asked. I pointed my finger down, and Zak nodded. “Okay, hop on.” Zak laughed. I hopped on his back, and he walked down the stairs. Finally, we got down stairs and I crutched my way to my purse. Swinging it over my shoulder, Zak smiled at me. “Ready for a day by ourselves?”

“Oh yea.” I smiled, “Just me and you, babayh.” Zak laughed at my joke, and I smiled. This was going to be a great day. 

I'm Just Trying To Help (A Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now