Spiders, Shadows, and Kisses.

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Marilyn Anderson

The reaction I had to the scene unraveling in front of my eyes was, in Aaron's words, priceless. My scream echoed from the dank car windows, to where the boys were doing an interview. I was sure that it broke their audio. The boys came running to the black SUV in seconds before whipping the car door open, “Marilyn!” Zak yelled, the car door slamming back, “Are you okay?!” I silently pointed at the corner of the car, where the daddy long-leg spider was hiding behind the seat-belt.

“Kill it!” I screamed, “Kill it!” Zak and Nick looked at me annoyed. Nick rolled his eyes and turned the camera on me. They stared at me annoyed, “This is not a joke! Oh my god!” Zak bubbled up in laughter then, and I screamed again as the daddy long-leg came back in view. In seconds, Zak smashed the spider with his foot, and rolled his eyes as he made his way back to the interview they were taking.

“Man up!” Aaron laughed from over where he was standing. “It's just a spider!”

“A SPIDER!” I screamed back annoyed. The boys went back to their interview, and I grabbed my camera – ready to snap some shots of them before they stopped interviewing for today. They were investigating a former hospital, a huge white building on the East side of Las Angeles, “Staying the night on the East side of La is the scariest thing I'm ever going to do.” Zak had joked. The place was Linda Vista Hospital. It was going to be nuts because of the amount of gang violence that surrounded this place. I hopped out of the SUV, thoroughly avoiding the dead spider. I snapped pictures of the place first, then followed the boys into the hospital. Aaron was talking to the man they were interviewing, and Zak lagged behind to talk to me.

“What do you think of this place?” Zak questioned, his face stern.

“It's got a different vibe.” I replied, looking around and taking a few pictures of the graffiti around the hospital. “have you got any information of the deaths or anything yet?” I looked up at Zak. His hair was styled differently, his faux-hawk had become his usual hair-do. I liked it more than then everything front do, it fit his face better.

“The guy said there were over 10,000 deaths from the time it opened in 1904 to the time it was shut down in 1990.” Zak explained, putting his hands in his pockets, looking down at me, “A lot of it was from gang related violence.” I turned to him, and snapped a picture of him, catching him off-guard and laughing at him.

“I bet. We are in the most dangerous side of LA.” I replied smiling.

“I know. You are so not staying here with Billy. Your going back to the hotel.” Zak smirked.

“Oh come on!” I half begged, crossing my arms and letting my camera hang from my neck, “Please, please, please let me come on the lockdown! I'll be good!” Zak shook his head as we followed the boys down the hallway, “I could even help you get evidence! I am a girl.” Zak laughed.

“I hope your a girl.” I balled up my hand and knocked him softly in the side laughing.

“You're so stupid.” I replied, rolling my eyes and smiling. Zak pushed me into one of the rooms playfully, and shoved me against the wall, my camera bouncing on my stomach. I smiled at him as he softly shut the patient room door, and shoved a chair against the door handle of it. “What are you doing?” I questioned him.

“We haven't had alone time in ages.” Zak smiled at me, his body slowly making his way towards me, and leaning against me. His light icy blue eyes were now a dark stormy blue. I could see in his eyes he was worried about something. Then he pushed me against the wall and stared at me. I bit my lip and then his lips brushed up against mine. He came in and kissed me the and i kissed him back. He held onto my waist and pulled me closer to him. He ran his hand up and down my back. I then jumped up onto him and was holding onto his neck my legs wrapped around his waist, he held onto my thighs. We were making out, i loved this. The kiss was so electric and it just felt right. He started moving over to the old hospital bed, I didn't want to touch the thing, but nonetheless I didn't stop him. I was still on him and he was still holding on to me when he pushed me against the wall next to the bed. His hands were on my ass trying to not let me fall. Then he threw me on bed and came right on top of me. He deepened the kiss and I was hungry for more. Suddenly, his lips met my neck and slowly moved down my chest, then he came back to my lips. I was holding onto the back of his head running my fingers through his gelled hair. I knew he was going to get pissed off because I was messing it up, but I don't think either of us cared at the moment. This was the first alone time we've had in what seemed like forever. The heat in between us combined with the heat of LA was making us sweat. Suddenly, Zak stopped, and looked at me with a smile on his face.
"I needed that." Zak whispered in a raspy voice
"Should we continue." I replied seductively. He smirked and kissed my lips softly, once more.

“Zak!?” Someone shouted from the hallway, “Bro? Where are you!?” I snickered a laugh.

“Your job is calling you.” I smiled at Zak.

“Sadly.” He replied. “I wish we could stay like this forever,”

“In a run down hospital filled with ghosties?” I smirked, “Nah, I think I'm good.” Zak smirked at me, rolling his eyes.

“C'mon babe.” Zak smiled, rolling off of me and helping me up. Zak opened the door, and we slipped out seconds before Aaron appeared through the doorway.

“Hey, there you guys are! We were looking for you!” Aaron called. “Where were you guys?!”

“I just went to show Marilyn a hospital room.” Zak replied. I laughed at Zak, hiding my lips with my hand. “Yeah, this place has a fucked up vibe.”

“Yeah, bro.” Aaron replied, “I know.”

“Lets finish up these interviews, then we can go eat something. I think the camera can hear my stomach growl.” Nick laughed. I rolled my eyes at them, before taking Zak's hand and we followed the boys through the hallways.

Zak let go of my hand, and we walked through the hallways before they stopped and began doing some interviews at a notorious room. I snapped a few pictures of him and began wandering down the hallway. Minutes later, I realized my bladder was full, “Hey Zak?” I called. I waited a few seconds, before he replied.

“What, babe?” Zak's voice called back.

“Where's the bathroom?” Giggles in response happened. I rolled my eyes and waited for Zak's response.

“Down by the entrance. You can't miss it.” Zak replied. I nodded, and turned around walking to the entrance. I felt eyes on me the whole time, and I attempted to ignore it, but you can't simply ignore something like that. I shook it off, and entered the bathroom. I was guessing it still worked, because it looked freshly remodeled. I went into the stall, pulled down my pants, and started doing my business. Then, I felt my hair being touched. Throwing that off, I ignored it until I saw the shadow below the stall. I stood up, letting out a scream for help.

Instantly, I heard footsteps sprinting down the hallway. I was surprised the boys were coming actually, because of all the times I freaked out over bugs. But this scream was different. It was a scream of pure terror. The bathroom door burst open. “Babe, what's wrong?! What happened?!” Zak's voice called.

“I saw a shadow!” I yelled back, I opened the stall door, and ran into Zak's arms, “I had to fucking pee, and your stupid ghosts won't leave me alone!”

“Excuse me?” Zak said abruptly, “These ghosts are not stupid. Just because they do stupid things doesn't mean they're stupid.”

“Well, maybe you should date these ghosts and not me.” I growled at him, glaring at him.

“No, Marilyn.” Zak replied, rubbing his face, “That's not what I meant.” I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. “You know what I mean.” I shook my head again and ignored him, looking at Aaron.

“What could've it had been?” I asked, “If it was a ghost I'm done with this location. I'm sick of being stalked. I can't even pee.” Aaron laughed when I said pee and pointed the recording camera at me.

“My only guess is a ghost.” Aaron replied, “Right Zak?” Zak nodded.

“I think we're done for the day.” Zak replied, “We can finish up the interviews tomorrow.” The boys left the bathroom, and I tagged along. We piled up in the van, leaving the equipment at the location for we could capture some evidence while we were gone. Zak sat beside me in the front for the long almost 2 hour drive back to the hotel. Nick, Bill, and Aaron were asleep in seconds. Zak took my hand in the middle. “I love you,” Zak whispered.

“I know.” I replied.

“I'm sorry for what I said. My words didn't come out right.” Zak said. I shrugged, looking out the window, his grip my hand stronger. “Marilyn, no matter what. I'll love you forever. I promise.”

“I know.” I replied. “I love you too.”

I know Zak was keeping his promise, but being on the road all the time was just making me mad. I was beginning to get annoyed with the boys. I needed time away, and I needed it now.

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