He's The One.

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Marilyn Anderson

I woke up late into the night, by screaming. It wasn't coming my room, but the one next to me – Zak's. I jumped out of my bed, confused by what was happening. I tore out of my hotel room and started knocking on Zak's door frantically as his screams echoed through the door, and people began appearing from their rooms, wondering what was going on. Nick ran from his door, to Zak's door. “Zak!” I screamed, “Zak! Open the door!” Nick screamed with me, until I ran back to my room and grabbed his key card. I slid it in the door, and tried to push it open. “Nick! It's not opening!” I screamed, slamming myself into the door.

“Stand back,” Nick shouted over Zak's screams echoing from the door. I stood beside the door, Nick backed-up, and ran towards the door, slamming his body into it, and it pushing open a few inches. Nick continued to push it, until there was enough room for me to slip through the doorway. The room was trashed. The huge palm tree was toppled over on the floor, the desk was wedged in front of the door, the reason why we couldn't get in, and Zak's bedding was in a disarray. He was lying face-down on the bed, holding his head, screaming at the top of his lungs.

“No!” His voice screamed, making my ears ring, “No! Please! Stop, Stop, Stop!” His voice had that same tone as the video from the possession. I ran to the bed, and tried to wake him. I put my hands on his shoulder and tried to turn him over. “No! Please!” Zak began grabbing at his hair, and pulling it until his knuckles turned white. Then, they slapped down on the bed and pulled at the sheets.

“Zak!” I yelled, “Zak, wake up!” I grabbed a hold of him and yanked him in a sitting position. “Zak!” His eyes popped open, and as soon as he saw me, he grabbed a hold of me. He pulled me in a hug, his body ridden with sweat, so much sweat it felt like he took a bath in it, “Jesus, Zak.” I whispered, “Are you alright?” Zak shook his head against my shoulder, sobs erupting from him. I didn't say anything, Zak held on to me and cried. Suddenly, the door smacked against the wall – and Aaron and Nick ran into the room.

“Zak!” Nick yelled, “Bro, are you okay?” I looked at them as they looked at me, confused by the scene in front of them.

“I don't know what happen.” I mouthed to them. Nick nodded to me, and stared at Zak – who lifted his head and shook his head. Zak looked at the boys, then looked at me. “Do you wanna do something? Do you need anything?” I asked concerned for him, rubbing his messy hair from his eyes. Zak shook his head, looking over at the boys.

“Don't leave.” Zak whispered as his eyes met mine.

“I won't.” I whispered back to him. The boys nodded, when I have them the look to leave. They left with a wave, and shut the door. We sat there for I don't know how long, hugging Zak, running my fingers though his hair trying to calm him down.

“I'm sorry for waking you up.” Zak whispered into my neck after what seemed like hours. I shook my head as a response.

“It's okay, Zak.” I whispered back. “I don't mind.” Zak lifted his head and looked at me, his blue eyes watery. Zak let out a breath, and sighed, running his own fingers through his hair. “Why don't you go get in the shower, I'll pick up this mess.” Zak didn't say anything, just nodded agreeing with my suggestion. Zak slowly got up off the bed, and drug himself to the bathroom before he shut the door. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a long sigh. I stood up from the bed, and looked around the room – before I walked to the door. I knew there were people still out in the hallway, and I knew Nick and Aaron wanted to know what was going on. I slid Zak's room key in my pocket before slipping out the door and shutting it softly. People were in the hallway – watching me walk out the door. “You can go back to your rooms,” I announced, “You wouldn't understand the situation.” Would they? They have never had a demonic possession take control of your body, and then having to deal with the pain inflicted towards you afterwords. I walked to Nicks door, and knocked on it softly as the other guests of the hotel went back to their rooms. After a second, he opened it.

“Hey, Marilyn.” Nick said, forcing a fake smile on his face, “Zak okay?”

“As okay as he's going to be for the rest of the night,” I admitted to Nick, shaking my head, “Do you have any idea what that could've been?” Nick sighed before running his hands over his face, and motioning for me to enter the room. I walked in, and leaned against the wall before Nick shut the door and leaned against it.

“Occasionally, after a really bad lockdown, Zak will have night-terrors.” Nick explained, “We get them too, but Zak gets them way worse then we do. Most of the time we can't even wake him up – and we just have to stand back and watch as he screams. He has to wake him self up from them.” My jaw dropped, and I stared at nick as he said this.

“Why does he get them?” I questioned, not only for my own curiosity, because I needed to know why Zak was having this horrible sleeping problem. “He's going to be alright, right?”

“Yeah, he's going to be fine.” Nick replied, soothing my thoughts for a moment, “We think he gets them because the ghosts' fuck with our minds. Zak takes it more personally than the rest of us do.” I let out a breath of air, and tried to figure out how I can stop it.

“Can we stop it?” I asked Nick.

“No,” Nick replied sadly, “We got him to go see a doctor about it, but the doctor said that the only way that he will get rid of them if he quits paranormal investigating.”

“We both know he's not going to stop that.” I sighed, rubbing my hands across my face.

“I know,” Nick replied, “What's he doing right now? He okay?” I nodded.

“Yeah – he was all sweaty so he went to take a shower. Do you think you could help me put some furniture back where it belongs? I think he might have destroyed his hotel room in his sleep.” Nick laughed at that, even thought I was extremely serious.

“Yeah,” Nick replied as he opened the hotel room door. We walked out to the hallway, and walked back to Zak's hotel room. We got it back in order, and seconds after Nick walked out the door – Zak walked out of the bathroom. His torso soaked, water beats stuck in his abs, his black hair dropping over his forehead. The only thing covering him up, was a towel wrapped around his torso. Oh god. Zak offered me a small smile.

“Hey,” Zak smiled, “Whatcha doing?”

“Nothing,” I smiled at him.

“C'mere.” Zak said, opening his arms to pull me in a hug, I shook my head, falling back on the bed.

“No, you're all wet.” I smiled at him, Zak began inching toward the bed, a smirk playing on his lips, “Zak-” I began to threaten, before he jumped on the bed. I screamed playfully, throwing myself to the headboard of the bed. Zak pounced on me, and held me down, pressing his wet body against my dry clothes. “Zak!” I scolded at him. “You got my clothes all wet!”

“You get cute when your mad.” Zak smirked. I rose my eyebrows, and stared at him.

“Oh, so I'm only cute when I'm mad? Thanks for saying I'm ugly, Zak. Really.” I rolled my eyes at him, and tried to push him off. Zak laughed at that, and half straddled me, laying on top of me. “Ew – go get dressed.” I teased him. Zak rose his eyebrows. “You have a ugly body.” Zak laughed at that.

“What are you talking about?” Zak replied, “My body is awesome.” I rolled my eyes at that.

“Whatever, self conceded.” I laughed at him. Zak rolled his eyes as a response, and tapped my chin with his finger.

“Come here,” Zak smiled, pulling my chin towards him. Zak touched his lips to mine, and I felt sparks fly, and my heart jumped. That was the first time I have ever had that happen – with anyone. Zak pulled away, and smiled at me. “Did you feel that?” Zak whispered.

I watched Zak's facial expression, his smile so big that little wrinkles had formed in the sides of his eyes, his pearly-whites showing between his thin lips, his wet hair hanging to his forehead. “Feel what?” I asked, playing it off as if I didn't feel anything – and Zak was a lunatic.

“That spark.” Zak whispered, staring into my eyes.

“I felt it.” I whispered. Zak smiled. He didn't say anything else, he just got up from the bed, and held onto his towel as he dug through his suitcase and pulled out a pair of sweatpants to wear in the hotel room and back to bed. He then walked back to the bathroom, but before he shut the door – he blew me a kiss. I smiled at him, rolled my eyes, and chuckled. When the door to the bathroom clicked, that's when I realized, he was the one.

I'm Just Trying To Help (A Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now