All I Could Ask For.

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Marilyn Anderson

Zak's voice was beginning to annoy me, so I was glad that I got to escape to the hotel room while they went out to dinner. I didn't feel to up to Chinese, so I ordered some pasta from room service, and watched My Sisters Keeper. I called my mom too, I was starting to miss her – and her voice was the only thing that could clear my mind for a little bit. “Hey hon,” Mom smiled when she answered the phone, “What's up?”

“Sitting in the hotel room and watching a movie. I miss you. What are you doing?” I asked my mom. I really did miss her. I would much rather be complaining about the office rather than on the road all the time.

“Sleeping actually, do you know what time it is?” Mom asked. I mentally smacked myself.

“I'm so sorry, mom. I totally forgot we were like 3 time zones away from each other.” I frowned, curling up my legs into a cross-leg position.

“It's okay.” Mom assured, “We didn't go to bed too long ago. Why are you calling so late? Is something wrong?”

“Zak's just annoying me.” I admitted, “He's just so aggravating sometimes. He doesn't stop talking, he always gets so defensive over his job. We get into arguments over it.”

“Try to see his side,” Mom attempted to give me advice, “He loves his job.”

“I know he does.” I replied, “I just wish that he would forget about it when he wasn't on the job.”

“He's always going to have it on his mind. You'll never understand what he goes through when he's on a lockdown, Marilyn. He's always going to have it on his mind, you need to understand that. You have got to understand that he loves his job, but it's the most dangerous thing that you will ever encounter.” Mom explained. I sighed when I heard the door unlock and push open.

“I'll think about it. I gotta go. I love you mom, Night.” I smiled.

“I love you too, baby. Goodnight.” We hung up, and Zak came into the doorway, and walked over to me. I ignored him, and thought about what my mom said. Maybe she was right .I knew Zak went through horrific things when they were on lock downs. Zak laid down next to me on the bed, and smiled.

“Hey,” He grinned, “What are you doing?”

“Watching a movie.” I replied simply. Zak put his lips to my cheek and smiled again.

“I wish you would've came to dinner.” Zak said, “we missed you.”

“I just wasn't in the mood for Chinese.” I muttered. Zak stayed rigid for a minute, before his voice piped up.

“Are you okay, Marilyn? You aren't acting like yo-”

“I'm fine.” I interrupted. Zak let out a sigh, before standing up and pulling out his suitcase and ruffling through it, pulling out some clothes and disappearing to the bathroom. That's when I decided it was now or never. I had to do this. I waited until the water was running in the bathroom, and Zak's soft singing pulled from the doorway. I stood up, and walked to the door, opening it slowly. “Zak.” I half-yelled over the water. Zak stopped singing, and I kept talking, not giving him a chance to talk, “I think we need to take a break.” Suddenly, Zak pulled the curtin back, popping his head out of the curtain. His hair flopping over his forehead, and his blue eyes full of worry.

“Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay? What are you talking about?!” Zak half-yelled concerned, I walked out of the bathroom then, sobs erupting from my throat. I held my mouth closed, and threw myself on the bed, throwing my head into the pillow. Seconds later, I heard the water shut off and Zak's feet pad through the hotel room – before he sat down on the bed next to me. “Babe, what's wrong? Are you alright?”

I turned my head and looked at him. He looked worried, he looked concerned. Usual Zak. “It's just everything.” I cried to him.

“Babe, I know it's a lot to take in. The lock downs, stuff following you home, the way I act not only after, but before lock downs and not being home in Pennsylvania all the time. But we can get through it together.” I cried into the pillow, not being able to say anything to Zak. Zak pulled me up into a hug, “I love you, C'mon Marilyn. Please.” I didn't say anything, but clutched onto Zak, not being able to talk anymore.

Zak laid next to me, and eventually – I cried myself to sleep.

Zak Bagans

Here I am, with the love of my life in my arms.

“I think we need to take a break.” Words that I would never in my life want to hear. Words that broke my heart. Words that made me want to break down and sob. What could I do? It was what she wanted. I can't tell her she can't – I can only attempt to convince her that she was wrong.

I know all this was a lot to take in. Not only the moving around every second, but the not being home. What Could I do? I was begging for somebody to tell me, “hey Zak, this is what you need to do.” I was just hoping this girl would change her mind – because that's all I really wanted.

Marilyn Anderson

I woke up the next morning, and Zak was gone. I wasn't sure where he went – so I picked up my cell phone and was ready to call him. I unlocked my phone, and a text message popped up.

My Boo.(:

Come downstairs when you wake up,

I have a surprise.

Love you. <3

I was actually taken back at this. I didn't know what Zak was planning, but it more than likely had something to do with last night. I hopped up, and got dressed quickly. Some ripped up jeans and a T-shirt, and I pulled a sweatshirt over my head. I straightened my hair and pulled it up in a ponytail, then almost ran to the elevator, ready to get on with whatever Zak was planning. I was impatient in the elevator, checking facebook before walking out of the elevator and was greeted by a doorman. “These are for you,” He smiled, pulling out blue roses from behind his back and handing them to me, “Follow me.” The doorman smiled. I followed him, he walked through the lobby, and opened a door to a limo, and instructed me to get in. of course I did.

He drove me through East LA – to the non-sketchy side of LA, and then dropped me off at a fancy restaurant, where I saw Zak waiting outside in his Black pants and black T-shirt, sunglasses on his head and red shoes on his feet. I hopped out of the limo, and smiled at the driver, holding my flowers and making my way over to Zak. “Hey,” I smiled at him. Zak looked up from his phone, and smiled at me broadly.

“Hey, you look beautiful.” He smiled, pulling me into a hug and pecking my lips.

“Thank you,” I smiled at him. “What's the plan for the day?”

“Just me and you.” Zak smiled, winking. “It's going to be fun. I have a lot planned.”

“Oh I bet,” I laughed, “I'm starved.”

“Good thing I made reservations at a breakfast buffet. I know how much you love breakfast food.” Zak smiled.

“Oh, because breakfast foods are the best.” I laughed as Zak took my hand and led me inside. “What's all this for?”

“There's no reason why I did it.” Zak replied, “It's just because I love you – and you deserve the best.” And with that, he topped it off with a kiss.

Maybe I was being selfish, because this man was everything I could want.

I'm Just Trying To Help (A Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now