15: Training Camp - Day 1

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The next day, all of the players were assembled at the gym, with all of the coaches standing in front of them. Aya stood with the managers, while Tsukiko was with the Seirin team, standing at the back. She yawned still sleepy from last night, because she kept wondering if Aomine could truly beat her.

'Who cares...? I don't mind if he beats me. Like that could change anything' she thought and glanced at Aomine with a bored look. He noticed her and returned the gaze. She immediately looked away and listened to the announcement that Aya was saying.

"Hai! We all know 8 teams had gathered here today in order to train for the first international competition Japan has qualified in," she started. "And with the combined teams here today, it's hard to train you all at the same time so..."

"All of us the coaches, including Aya talked about dividing you with the skills you have," Riko continued stepping forward and crossing her arms in front of her FLAT chest.

"It's kinda like dividing into first, second and third strings," Aya explained with a smile.

The players nodded in understandment as the coaches started to announce the members.

"And the first string... of course, the five prodigies and..." Aya read her list. "Oh! Kuro-chan, Taicchi! You two are included!" she chirped and smiled at the duo and saw Tsukiko. "And Tsuneko too!"

Aomine smirked. 'All right! I get to train with her!' he fisted his hand happily.

"What's up with the happy smile Aomine-kun?" Satsuki wondered, tilting her head at Aomine. He flinched and looked away.

"It's none of your business!"

"The first string players! Come with me!" Aya said and walked out of the gym going over to the other with the players trailing behind her.

'Crap... I feel sleepy...' Tsukiko said walking like a zombie with her eyes half closed.

"Oi Satoshi! Don't sleep on me! Get your energy together and give me a satisfying match!" Aomine yelled at her wakening her fully.

"Stop yelling at me!" she hollered annoyed.

"There that's more like it!" he grinned and ran ahead. Tsukiko sweat dropped and sighed. 'That guy...'

They lined up in front of Aya with Riko and the Rakuzan coach as they listed them up with the 3 by 3 teams.

"First team..." Aya said. "Hyuuga, Imayoshi and... Midorima."

"Whoa, 4 eyed dudes," Tsukiko whispered over to Kagami who just smirked with a nod. Aomine looked at them and twitched his eye.

'They're really close with each other...' he thought then shook his head. 'Why am I feeling this?!'

"Kasamatsu, Sakurai and Kiyoshi..." she continued.

"Kuroko, Izuki and Kise."

"YAY! I get to be teamed with Kurokocchi!" Kise cheered.

"Eto, Akashi, Murasakibara and Satoshi..." Tsukiko's eyes narrowed and glanced over to the red haired Rakuzan captain and the oversized purple haired maiubo lover.

"And, Kagami, Takao and Aomine," she finished.

"EH?!?!" the two idiots reacted violently, showing a sign of protest with their teams. "He's my teammate?!" they chorused pointing at each other. "Don't point at me!" they pushed their cheeks at each other with electricity striking between them.

"Oi, Daicchi, Taicchi, don't fight..." Aya pushed them away from each other.

"Then why the heck am I teamed with him?!" they yelled making Aya flinch and step away.

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