6:Practice Match

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Momoi's POV

The match was about to start and as usual, our team was ready because of the data I collected from the team's opponent. I glanced to where Seirin was doing their plans and noticed a new member of the team. A girl?? She had long brown hair up in a ponytail, and she was wearing the number 9 jersey she used to where. I was referring to a friend... The jersey was fit for her, revealing the curves of her body. Her boobs were big as mine!!!

Wait, is she a player? Or she's just the manager? (And she seems pretty close with my Tetsu!!! >.<)

I shook my head. No, Emiko's their new manager. I saw her earlier with the ID. This girl's not their manager. But who is she? She's wearing a jersey so she must be a player. Crap! I forgot to take her data so the team has no idea what's she's capable of!! Plus, she's now talking with Tetsu-kun and they seem to be REALLY close!!!

The match started and she's in the first 5 together with Tetsu-kun, Taiga-kun, the guy with glasses and the guy with an eagle eye skill. Based on her current position, I can tell that she was substituting for Kiyoshi Teppei as point guard. A female point guard huh? This should be interesting...

Good thing, Aomine-kun was unusually early and the coach told him that he's going to mark Kagamin on the defense.

I snapped out of my thoughts because of the coach yelling at the team in stopping the girl from running. My eyes widened. She was fast. She stole the ball from Sakurai-kun who was about to do a three-point shot. She swifted through them easily, before being chased by the team's defense then she dunked the ball in the ring.

W-What the...? "Oi Tsukiko! What are you doing?!?!?!" Their flat-chested coach yelled at her as she looked at her right with the ring in her hand. She broke it! A girl breaking the ring!? She must be a monster!

"I-I..." she scratched her head, staring at her hand then let go of it.

"10 minute break!!!" Riko announced as the players went back to their benches.

"Momoi-san" the coach called me.

"Yes coach?"

"Do you have any data of that girl?" he asked with his serious tone. I shook my head. "No, sorry coach, I don't really know her. I was even surprised that they had a new team member"

"I see" he rubbed his chin. "Well she obviously not easy to take granted for"

"What are you talking about coach?! She's a monster!!!" Wakamatsu-senpai exclaimed. "Did you see how fast she ran?! In a blink of an eye she disappeared!"

"Yes I saw that Wakamatsu, calm down" Coach ordered him. "Well, besides Kagami, our main threat now is that girl, plus Kuroko's phantom shot is a new burden for us even without his misdirection"

I've got to learn about something about that girl! If she's that good, then how come we never heard of her??? Ever! "It's not really a big deal coach, this is just a practice game so it doesn't matter if we win or lose" captain stated matter-of-factly.

"No" Aomine-kun snapped.

"Aomine" the captain of the team called Aomine-kun who was sitting on the bench with his head covered with a towel. He was silent for a while until he spoke up. "I'm not letting them win" he stated. And an evil grin appeared on his face. "Because that girl is now on the top list of whom I want to beat so bad"

Tsukiko's POV

"What were you thinking!!!" Riko-senpai slapped me with a paper fan at the head. Little tear droplets appeared at the edge of my eyes as I held it, wincing in pain. "Good thing we have a spare ring for your carelessness! Be careful!"

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