11: Where are they?

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Tsukiko's POV

During the ceremony, our team Seirin was lined between the Rakuzan and the Touou team, and I happen to stand by Aya here. I kinda think she's annoying because she kept giving me weird nicknames such as Tsuneko and Tsukaiju; Kaiju meaning monster and neko meaning cat. 

 "Psst, Tsuneko!" she whispered cupping her mouth. I decided to ignore her but she was persistent and kept poking my arm continuously. "Tsuneko!!!" she poked me again.

 "What do you want?" I asked her giving her a 'stop it' glare but she just smiled at me. "You finally noticed me," she said. 

I sweat drop and sighed. "What do you want, Aya?" I asked her again.

 "Ne, do you want to play basketball?" she asked luring me to come closer. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Of course I do, that's why I joined the team--" "That isn't what I meant!" "What?" "Do you want to play basketball right now?"

 What does she mean right now? I looked at her with a questioning look while she smiled at me. "C'mon, let's sneak out" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the lineup. Since we were at the back, no one noticed us left as Aya pulled me at the back of the building where a court was.

 "Here!" Aya let go of me and set her things down. She pulled out a basketball out of her gym bag and threw it at me. "Let's play, Tsuneko!" she said and positioned herself at the court.

 I was unsure at first but when a quick air suddenly flew pass me; it was Aya. I saw her speed was fast, and I didn't even see her come to me. My eyes widened after hearing her just behind me while dribbling the ball.

 "I'll be on offense okay?" she told me as I stiffened and nodded my head. I admit she caught me off guard just now. She as quick as Aomine did; so which means I have to use 50% of my speed on her. "Tsuneko, daijobu? You seem to space out there..."

 I smirked and turned to her. "Yeah, that's all I needed to see," I saw a big question mark float above her head and tilt her head to the side. I gave a smile and wave it off. "I'm okay," she smiled and nodded.

 I got ready for her offense, positioning myself. She dribbled the ball back and forth from her left hand to the right. When she suddenly started to run towards me, I kept my eye on the ball which was being dribbled by her left hand.

 I was about to swat it away when she moved it to her right and this a quick spin and ran pass me successfully. She did a quick lay-out while my back was still faced to hers. What's going on? Her speed is ridiculous!!!

 "Oh I scored!!!" she cheered throwing her arms in the air. "Must be luck" she smiled at me with a peace sign. I looked at her still startled. Who is this girl? From the looks of her body, she looks pretty weak on the physical appearance.

 "Tsuneko?" she titled her head to the side.

 I shook my head. "Gomen," I smiled at her. She returned the gesture and took the ball from the ground then threw it at me. "It's your turn on offense!"

 Aomine's POV

 I lazily listened to the opening ceremony of this dumb training camp. Damn, let's just get this over with and start with the training already! I'm dying to beat Satoshi again, and I promise you, she won't touch the ball again!

 I glanced over to the Seirin team and noticed that all of the players behind their "flat" coach were guys. There wasn't any girl player; and there isn't any Satoshi that I'll beat. Where the heck is she?

"Aomine-kun! Face forward or Coach will see you!" Satsuki whispered behind me.

 "Tch," I twitched my eye at her. I faced my head forward again and thought; where the heck is that Monster?

 The opening ceremony finished and coach instructed us to our rooms by pair. My roommate was Sakurai since both of us were 2nd years and he's my classmate, AGAIN. We passed by Rakuzan High and I noticed Akashi was glancing at the back.

 What's his problem?

 After we placed our things in our room, we were given a day of rest before the official training starts. Rumors say that it'll be hell since all of the coaches of the schools worked together in making a program for our training.

 I grabbed a basketball from my bag and exited my room leaving Sakurai there, and passed by Kise and Midorima who were walking together as they caught sight of me. "Aominecchi! You're going to play basketball?"

 "Yeah, I won't be doing anything else here anyway," I replied scratching my head.

 "You're going to train to beat Tsukikocchi aren't you?" he assumed with a smirk.

 I smirked back. "I don't need to train to beat her. I'll defeat her with my original strength."

 "I see, let's play together," he suggested.

 "Yeah, with me winning all the time," I said, putting a nerve pop on his head.

 "Don't say that Aominecchi! I'll beat you one day!" he pouted. He silenced and looked behind me. I glanced where he was looking to see Tetsuya and Akashi together. "Akashicchi, Kurokocchi, konnichiwa."

 "Aomine-kun, Midorima-kun," Tetsuya greeted.

 "I was left out!!" Kise complained, pouting.

 "Sumimasen, Kise-kun," Tetsuya apologized. Kise is so childish sometimes. I put my hand on my waist and sighed. Are we going to play or not? I grabbed Kise by the shirt and dragged him.

 "C'mon Kise, I thought we're going to play," I pulled him with me.

 "Wait," I stopped when I heard Akashi's voice. Hey don't look at me; he scares the crap out of me; because he's "Absolute". We turned to him giving our attention. "Did one of you see Aya? I didn't see her since the opening ceremony."

 Aya's missing too? Oh, so that's why he was glancing at the back earlier.

 "Ayacchi?" Kise said. "No, we didn't."

 "How about Tsukiko?" Tetsuya asked. What? Tsukaiju's missing? Don't tell me she hid from me because she's scared to be beaten by me!!! "Aomine-kun, why are you grinning out of nowhere?"

 "Eh" I blushed. "N-Nothing." I huffed looking away.

 "I wonder where are they..." Tetsuya thought.

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