The Good Prisoner

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Hi Readers,

My first Inspirational Story for this Holy Week 2016 is all about Sacrifice... This is the tale of the good prisoner! Here it goes..

ONCE THERE were twenty prisoners who tried to escape from jail. Ten of them had successfully eacaped and the ten others were caught by the police and they were brought again to the jail.

Immediately, the jail guards who were on duty during the prisoners' escape were punished and suspended.. But not only the jail guards faced the consequeces...

"Because you violated the law and tried to eacaped from prison, all of you will face an ultimate punishment!" said the Jail Warden angrily..

The ten prisoners became nervous about what they heard..

The Jail Warden looked at each one of them! His face was full of anger as he proceed to speak...

"Starting today all of you will not eat anything until you suffer from hunger and die!!!"

Everyone became restless as they murmured with each other... Some wanted to cry for so much regrets, some got angry and said bad words, and some of them got so mad and became hyper... But there was one prisoner who humbled himself and beg for mercy...

"Officer, have pity on me, i don't want to die yet... My family still needs me! My wife is pregnant! My kids are still young! I can't die like this...!" he cried.

The Jail Warden looked at him with a pierceful look...

"Shut up!!!! Its your own fault! If you didn't go with them and tried to escape, you might have been exempted for this punishment... But you're one of them, therefore you also need to be punished!" he answered in an angry voice!

"Officer, please! I beg your mercy!! I know i committed a big mistake, but i humbly asked your forgiveness... I will take whatever punishment you will give to me , but please don't let me die like this! Have pity on me, my family still needs me!" he begged again but it seems like the Jail Warden was hard to approached!

"That's my order and it will be done, wether you like it or not!"

He tried to plead again, and slowly bended his knees for mercy! With tears, he called again...

"Officer, please don't do this!!! Please i beg you!!! Officer!!! Officeerrr!!!" he cried desperately...

The Jail Warden didn't even looked back and walked away, leaving the hopeless prisoner in desperate situation...

Without everyone's consent, there was one prisoner from the other cell, who was silently looking at them and heard their conversation.. He was touched about his co-prisoner plead and felt a deep pity! He was moved and he couldn't resist staring at the hopeless prisoner without thinking of a way to help him, so he decided to called the attention of the Jail Warden.

"Officer!!! Officer!!! Wait! I want to say something!" he called out in a loud voice!

The Jail Warden turned back and went straight to his cell..

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Officer, please give your consideration to my co-prisoner! Dont be so cruel! Don't let him die the way you want...! Can't you see he has a family?" he said..

The Jail Warden lost his temper and shouted at him...

"How dare you teach me what to do, stupid?" You're just a prisoner! You don't have the right to tell me what to do!!! I'm the Jail Warden here and my order shall be done!!" he said angrily...

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