The Black Dog..... (A fairytale story)

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There was a beautiful lady who live in a far away land ruled by a King... She has an angelic face, her eyes were hazel, her lips were red like cherry.. She has a long black hair and her skin was white like snow. Her name was Pheobe. She was the most beautiful girl in the land... But deep inside her charming looks hides a very cruel attitude...

One day her servant, accidentally burned her favorite dress while she was ironing it..

"Stupid, what happend to my dress? Did you not know that this is so expensive and you just ruined it?" she angrily yelled at the servant..

"Im sorry madam, i didnt mean it!" said the servant who was trembling in fear.

But Pheobe was not satisfied with her apology, she grabbed the flat iron and hit the servant's face...and ironed it several times until her face got burned..

The servant cried in so much pain and ran outside the house..

Another time, Pheobe called onto her other servant and asked her to bring 1 glass of cold water to drink! But her servant accidentally slipped on the floor.She broke the glass and scathered spilled water.

"Stupid! Youre so clumpsy! Look what have you done, ha? You wet all my things!!!" she yelled angrily.

"Im sorry, madam, please forgive me, i didnt mean it!" said the servant in trembling voice!

"Stay outside the house and dont eat the whole day!!!" Pheobe angrily pushed the servant outside the door!

She was so cruel not only to her servants but also to animals.. When she saw a mouse roaming in her house she would always beat it until it dies..

One very hot afternoon, a beggar old woman came to her house.. She walked barefooted, wearing rugs and looked so dirty, her hair was so messy, her skin has many wounds. She looked so pale and weak...and has bad odor!

"Im thirsty! Can you spare me 1 glass of water to drink, please!" said the old beggar in an ailing voice!

Pheobe turned her gazed towards her.."Ewwwww!!! Get out of my face, you old beggar! You're so dirty!" she angrily yelled at the beggar covering her nose to protect herself from bad smell.

But the old beggar didnt leave, and didn't stopped to beg her 1 glass of water to drink..

"Please, lady, i beg you! Im so thirsty, can you please give me a water to drink?" her voice was so weak.

"Its not my fault anymore if you're thirsty! Now, can you please just leave this place or i will be forced to dragged you out into the street!!!" Pheobe angrily yelled at her face!

The old beggar slowly turned away and disappeared.

Time passed by and Pheobe still continued her cruel attitude!

Another day, same old beggar appeared at the door step of Pheobe's house...

"Dear lady, please spare me a little food to eat! Im so hungry!" said the old beggar in a weak voice..

"You again???" Would you please stopped coming back to my house, you old, dirty beggar? We dont have food here, and if ever i have, i will not give you!!! Now, get lost!!!"

Pheobe, pushed the old beggar so hard that made her fell to the groud helplessly! The old beggar groaned in so much pain..

Just when she was about to closed the door, the old beggar instantly transformed into a beautiful fairy, much more beautiful than her... She was surprised to what she had seen.

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